189 Commits over 548 Days - 0.01cph!
Potentially fixed player getting stuck in the TriggerPlayerForce volume when mounting/dismounting by manually removing them from the volume (probably caused player getting flung away when dismounting)
Added ClientOnPlayerMountedSeat ClientOnPlayerDismountedSeat callbacks to BaseVehicle
Increased the width of mount hot spots on the cockpit modules
Added a swap seat sound def field to Mountables that will play instead of the mount sfx if a player is swapping seats to that mountable
The dismount sfx will no longer play when swapping seats in the same vehicle
Speculative fix for endless tire screeching
Don't damage mounted passengers in other cars with car impacts
Lowered blunt protection on cars from 0.75 -> 0.25 to increase damage from bradley shells
Use gibs kill method when destroying rowboat
Hooked up gibs on rowboat
Added a resource multiplier to TriggerHurtNotChild and increased damage to resources by x3 from cars
This destroys small trees relatively easily but still takes several hits to take down a large tree
Added a new TriggerVehicleDrag component
Applied vehicle drag to all of the barbed wire prefabs used in junkyard
S2P junkyard
Merge from mount_anim_fix
Merge from damage_materials
Fix issue where hitting the horn on a car with multiple drivers seats would play multiple horns
Merge from chassis_destroy -> vehicles
Fixed cockpit with engine missing mount hot spots
If an engine has no assigned mount spots it will now fall back to the old behaviour
Merge from mount_sight_check2
Vehicles now store a list of recent drivers, a driver is cleared from the list every 3 seconds
If no driver is on a vehicle, use a driver from the list of recent drivers when assigning the initiator for damage in TriggerHurtNotChild
Fixed laser detectors not detecting vehicles
Added a callback to OnItemAddedRemoved in VehicleModuleStorage and update lock state in that as well as the fixed update
Fixes modules getting stuck in locked state if removed from vehicle too quickly after removing parts
Added a max 10 second timeout for horns
Fixed horns not stopping if the player dismounts while honking
Can now drag engine parts on to the engine sprite to automatically insert it into the correct spot (same logic as right clicking an inventory icon)
Merge from vehicles/horns
Implemented the vehicle block check on the sliding blast door prefab (holds the door in place rather than reverting to open)
S2P water treatment plant and power plant
Fixed door close interrupt behaviour not being run when closing a door via a door controller
Added vehicle detection volumes to cancel door closing on double doors (wood, metal and top tier)
Attempting to track down a missing ref to fix the "GUIDToPath no path found" warning spam, added a button in the GUID locator tool to find all references that are using the given GUID across the entire project
Still haven't found the one that's missing but the tool might be useful so committing anyway
Lowered font size on water transfer help in vehicle editing loot panel to show missing text
Mark rideable horses as NPC's so the correct damage multiplier is applied when vehicles collide with them
Fix NRE when destroying an unpowered car lift
Don't cancel the door animation if the door collides with a building block with a dedicated vehicle movement collider (fixes foundation steps issue)
Fixed recycler getting stuck when attempting to recycle something that can't be broken down
Add a smaller collider to the headrest area on Seat_A_COL to stop people getting shot through the headrest
Merge from door_open_interrupt
Don't set engine sprite to null when closing engine lootpanel, stops it from flashing sprite to white
Can no longer list hidden items in vending machines
Fixed vending machine UI NRE when searching for an item with no sprite
"ent kill" now destroys the whole car regardless of which module is aimed at
"ent kill" now works when aiming at a vehicle module as well as the vehicle chassis
Supports destroying individual modules as well as destroying the chassis while modules are equipped (destroys equipped modules as expected)
Restore culling fix that was disabled yesterday, now with checks to makes sure player model exists
Don't hardcode fuel amount when using fixcars
Revert ServerUserVar change
fixcars command now takes a parameter to control what tier of part to apply, is usable by admins (not just devs) and fills the fuel tank
Potential BaseMountable NRE fix (disable mesh culling change)
Added vehicles to pressure pad layermask
Slightly lowered the deploy volume on the car lift so it can be placed in single height stone foundation structures
Change flamethower mask to Vehicle_Movement to Vehicles (no actual behaviour change)
Removed a Debug.Log in Landmine.cs