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8 Years Ago
Packed grass code back into Nature/Grass Packed wire code back into Custom/Wire Deleted deprecated files; updated grass and cable materials Fixed revz grass black ambient when LOD<300 Fixed revz sign black ambient when LOD<300
8 Years Ago
Slight modifications to rust/std cginc base to allow single file rust/std shader; easier to read and make new shaders Switched StandardWithDecal shader to rust/std (fix for RUST-900) Fixed revz sign/canvas painting
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Tool cupboards can be repaired
8 Years Ago
Rebaked island01 to match bake settings in other scenes
8 Years Ago
tweaked the 3rd person pickaxe animations so it doesnt clip into the player
8 Years Ago
Fixed a bunch of issues with tribe create Added name overrides for most clothing Made island01 the default game scene when running main/steam build
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed estimated player velocity being extremely inaccurate during server lag (RUST-895) Update view angles + eye position in FinalizeTick (less overhead when spammed with player ticks) AntiHack tweaks
8 Years Ago
tweaked lighting and main and rear materials so lighting looks better
8 Years Ago
City uses seed.
8 Years Ago
AI data tweaks
8 Years Ago
Added decay.tick server startup parameter (specifies decay tick interval)
8 Years Ago
added correct materials for ian, fixed UV1 on materials
8 Years Ago
VisualFX destruction fix Sleep FX fix
8 Years Ago
removed substance painter folder locally
8 Years Ago
added exploded exports for bakes
8 Years Ago
updated whitebox
8 Years Ago
Fixed exploit to disable gunshot sounds
8 Years Ago
protocol++ mushroom fixes
8 Years Ago
Updated scene merged Camera rotate scripts
8 Years Ago
Attempting merge fix
8 Years Ago
deleted old materials readded to beep truck
8 Years Ago
Added loot console command (for testing, editor-only) Fixed another LOS exploit
8 Years Ago
updated prefab pt 2
8 Years Ago
updated prefabs
8 Years Ago
b17 again ?
8 Years Ago
manifest, loot, et all
8 Years Ago
updated to b17 (I think)
8 Years Ago
Confidence multiplier in DecisionPlan
8 Years Ago
WakeUp fix
8 Years Ago
WakeUp no longer breaks current goal... BehaviourGroupSettings stores AI Modules, not GoalParams... commented out a bunch of code in BreedingGroup and ChildPlayGroup.
8 Years Ago
Enabled keyword in shader
8 Years Ago
added arrow hitting flesh ph sound
8 Years Ago
new whitebox buildings and map update
8 Years Ago
Basic truck painting
8 Years Ago
Merge related shader fixes Merged b17 changes
8 Years Ago
Added Confidence mutliplier to DecisionLog (BEF-226)
8 Years Ago
Fixed Player animation twitches when holding (RUST-901)
8 Years Ago
Cleaning up some blackboard issues in DM
8 Years Ago
Fixed reloading bug.
8 Years Ago
Biome editor tweaks
8 Years Ago
Grass and Decor spawns can be toggled in data more easily Fixed Building Construction Sill and ToolType requirements not being setup correctly
8 Years Ago
added bow and arrow sfx
8 Years Ago
human selection anim
8 Years Ago
Moved Select/Deselect to Human
8 Years Ago
floating geo is 10x closer than before on male
8 Years Ago
smoother and darker meat
8 Years Ago
meat texture which fades in with AlphaCutoff and can be linked to unit health
8 Years Ago
Fixed rare UI NoticeArea error when broadcasting RefreshValue