
84 Commits over 182 Days - 0.02cph!

4 Years Ago
Fix debug camera jitter
4 Years Ago
Fix player accumulating velocity while in debug camera
4 Years Ago
Add header above toolbar to show demo name and recorded date
4 Years Ago
Add new toolbar
4 Years Ago
Get movie maker working again after merge. Disable demo text.
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Add missing icons
4 Years Ago
Add buttons to speed up or down movie playback
4 Years Ago
Fix skip buttons. Hook up demo name to subtitle
4 Years Ago
Port movie maker plugin from hdrp
5 Years Ago
Add payout slot to loot panel
5 Years Ago
Show number of spins left from deposit
5 Years Ago
Take scrap from storage inventory instead of player inventory
5 Years Ago
Allow scrap to be deposited, only show spin menu item if there's enough scrap for a spin
5 Years Ago
Fix demo browser scrolling
5 Years Ago
Custom loot panel for deposit/payout
5 Years Ago
Open loot panel on deposit
5 Years Ago
Spawn storage container as sub entity to hold lootable deposit and payout
5 Years Ago
Add deposit and spin menu items to slot machine
5 Years Ago
Revert to old method of receiving headshot sfx
5 Years Ago
Send headshot rpc so sfx can be filtered out
5 Years Ago
Try fixing local player receiving headshot sfx
5 Years Ago
Fix compile error
5 Years Ago
Add hitnotify.headshot convar to toggle headshot sound fx
5 Years Ago
Add new conbutton for selecting debug camera target so it can be bound to whatever
5 Years Ago
Change debug camera entity targeting to use keybind instead of F key
5 Years Ago
Fix demo browser playing/deleting incorrect entry when list is sorted
5 Years Ago
Add quality of life improvements to demo recorder UI for Paddy
5 Years Ago
▊▇▄▌▄▍ ▉ ▅▊▉▄
5 Years Ago
Clean up slot machine entity based on code review feedback
5 Years Ago
Implement slot machine entity save/load
5 Years Ago
Award winning player with payout at end of spin if results match
5 Years Ago
Add a few random payout info entries to test
5 Years Ago
Take scrap from inventory to allow spin, don't allow if player doesn't have enough scrap
5 Years Ago
Don't allow handle to be pulled if UI is open
5 Years Ago
▌▋▋▍▅▅▋ ▄▄▅▌ ▉▅▅▍▅▉▊ ▌▍▋▅▊▌, ▉▋▊▋█▊▉▉▇ █▍█ ▌▋▅▍▍▊▅▅▄
5 Years Ago
Fix icons compile errors
5 Years Ago
Fix most compile errors in Rust.MovieMaker plugin
5 Years Ago
Add MovieMaker and VideoOut plugins
5 Years Ago
merge from cinematic_tools
5 Years Ago
Hide recorder with demo.togglehud
5 Years Ago
Finish demo recorder frontend, record time elapsed, saved notification
5 Years Ago
Initial frontend UI for demo recording
5 Years Ago
Add first person spectating of other players in demo playback
5 Years Ago
Make ent_find_radius find all entities, not just ones with colliders
5 Years Ago
Add debug_camera_target convar, set debug camera target entity by netid
5 Years Ago
Allow debug camera to lookat local player of demo recording
5 Years Ago
Add ent_find_radius convar, gets a list of entity info in radius (only works in demo playback)
5 Years Ago
Allow map UI to be viewed during demo playback
5 Years Ago
Show team nametag indicators if the player recording the demo was in a team at the time (needs testing)