branchrust_reboot/main/biome environment testscancel
112 Commits over 61 Days - 0.08cph!
Backup commit for tree billboard stuff.
Mergymerge to fabricate some tree billboard normal maps.
Random stuff before merge from main.
Terrain/rock visual consistency tests, because it's really bad in-game at the moment. (Posted a little picture on my twitter, if you care.)
Making rocks more consistent with terrain, WIP backup commit.
Even more impact effects.
Backup commit. (Blunt & slash impact effects.)
Getting the test branch up to date.
Wood/metal/concrete bullet impact effects.
Backup commit for material FX.
Merge to switch branches.
Material impact FX progress backup
Bulletholes for wood, concrete and metal. Includes a parallax shader. Also, rough impact fx progress.
Fixed a tree branch, and added AM to arctic camera.
Go home, grass_puff_1_.tga
Scene stuff for Bill, and started some impact effects.
LUT for the northern tundra.
Tiny wolf fur tweak, mushroom prefabs, fixed cliff shader detail textures.
Missing mushrooms, some grass stuff.
Killing sneaky zombie files.
Massive nature file restructuring and cleaning. Some new minor nature props.
Auroras that suck less, and lots of little northern scene stuff.
Scene stuff. More snow rocks.
Scene stuff. Splitting rocks into snow & no snow.
Updated the overlays snow.
Scene stuff and placeholder cliffs
More snowy biome stuff. Fixed the rock shader lighting formula.
Tiny test scene for Diogo
Finally some pine trees that don't suck, jesus.
Lots of random scene stuff.
Tundra beach scene progress