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Server browser changes
Server list changes:
* Search bar for gamemode list
* Gamemode list tries to display prettier/correct-er names (i.e. prefers "Sandbox" over "sandbox")
* Made the server list at least a bit usable on 800x600 and below
* Search boxes got a border so they are visible on white backgrounds, and are a bit wider
Addon list displays noworkshop message
HL1 DM gives you the hl1 ents as well
Added dz_ onto CS category
Updated language files
oldmanharpoon in pickups
Changed CLuaInterface::ErrorFromLua to be ErrorNoHalt with stack trace
Use the above for "Trying to remove server entity from client" error
Server list changes:
* Search bar for gamemode list
* Gamemode list tries to display prettier/correct-er names (i.e. prefers "Sandbox" over "sandbox")
* Made the server list at least a bit usable on 800x600 and below
* Search boxes got a border so they are visible on white backgrounds, and are a bit wider
func_breakable_surf break sounds are no longer played at the 0, 0, 0 position
func_breakable_surf and other entity impact sounds are no longer played at 0,0,0 position
▅▅▌▆▌ ▆▇▉▋ ▋▌▌▄ ▍▍ █▍▇▋▆▊
▉▌▅▄▇ █▍▄▊ ▇▄▄▇ █▆ ▌▉▋▊▌█
Don't try to set holdtype for the hl1 rockets
Fix grenade sprite to match hl2, fix hl2 rpg having an extra laser sprite in first person
Weapon selection properly ignores invalid weapon slot commands (slot0, slot7-10)
Picking up ammo no longer forces you to swtich away from your current weapon
HL2 shotgun with no ammo no longer tries to force switch away
Fixed spamming sounds with HL1 Glock with no ammo
Add a message to Addons menu if -noworkshop is active
Aded beam_spotlight.SetColor input
Added ModelKeyValues field to util.GetModelInfo
Fixed missing textures on HL1MP maps with only HL1MP installed
Having HL1MP mounted now also adds the HL1 weapons, entities and NPCs into the spawnmenu
Monster Osprey doesn't create its looping sound after being deleted creating a console error
Reset NET_IsMultiplayer to false on disconnect
Fixed Player.Say not working sometimes
Fixed Osprey and Apache bleeding in multiplayer
Undo changes to GetBoneName
More CS:GO map visual fixes (flickering)
Fixed some CS:GO maps having weird water around them (Fixed grenadeclip brushes acting as water)
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize no longer crashes with ClientsideModel present
Entity.TranslatePhysBoneToBone now works on entities from ClientsideRagdoll
Fix the bone surface prop fix
Added a warning for when env_sprite is given a non sprite material (an unlitgeneric), which apparently can cause crashes
Added "Contents" field to TraceResult
Added Entity.GetBoneContents( boneID ) = number
Added Entity.GetBoneSurfaceProp( boneID ) = string
Entity.GetBoneName() will return "__INVALIDBONE__" instead of nil
Add the non solid spawnflag of func_button to the .fgd
Ragdolls on client will set proper surface property for traces
Added support for
16384 = SF_BUTTON_NOTSOLID spawnflag to func_button from CS:GO
Re add the combiine heli bomb files
Replace corrected materials with in-code solution for bumpmapped decals and hl1 chrome effects
Fixed some models flickering on L4D/CS:GO Maps
Fixed HL1 ammo pickups giving wrong ammo types
Update windows steam libs
Added dz_ maps into Counter-Strike cateogory
Added CS:GO map icons
Actually add a safeguard for lightmapped shaders too
Fixed CS:GO maps and props being uber shiny due to unsupported shader parameters (temporary hack fix)
prop_door_rotating will use its .qc surfaceprop if no override specificed
Added beam_spotlight entity
Networking for colored gibs enabled
Prop_dynamic additions from CS:GO - new HoldAnimation & AnimateEveryFrame keyvalues, new SetAnimationNoReset, BecomeRagdoll and FadeAndKill inputs
prop_door_rotating supports breakable models like L4D/CS:GO do
prop_door_rotating will automatically block nav areas when its locked
prop_door_rotating new input: MoveToRotationDistance, new output: OnRotationDone, new spawnflag:
524288 - Start breakable (unset by default)
Change net.BytesLeft and netBytesWritten to just return 2 values instead of optional arguments
BaseNPC.SetHealth input will pass the activator as attacker to try to improve kill feed messages