6,195 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!
ai_goal_follow will work in multiplayer for players (by disabling itself and reenabling until a player is found)
Merge fix for env_fade from source-sdk-2013/issues/479
Added the missing ACT_HL2MP_SIT_KNIFE/MELEE2 Lua enums
Gravity Gun no longer updates its effects and poseparameters when not held
Player.GetWeapons() ensures the output table is sequential and now starts with 1 instead of 0.
Added ENT_AI.IsJumpLegal()
Do not save selected gamemode across sessions
Fixed mountdepots.txt not using the values at all to decide if a game should be mounted
Added EnabledOnly and DisabledOnly filters to Subscriptions menu
Fixed clientside HL1 gibs not despawniing
Fixed certain HL1 NPCs spawning HL2 gibs
Added NPC.DropWeapon( wep = currentWep, vecTarget=null, vecVelocity = null ) and added same features to Player.DropNamedWeapon and Player.DropWeapon
save only pred vars for GetSaveTable are included without the argument
GetInternalVariable, GetSaveTable, SetSaveValue now can read and write clientside prediction table, GetSaveTable() requires the optional parameter to be set to true
gm_load nicer missing map error
Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur fix for menu state
Context menu slider default MMC thing
Middle Mouse Click to reset slider to default value feature gets autoset for all tools in spawnmenu
NPC SWEP related fixes/improvements
manhack welder doesnt error when given to NPCs
flechettegun can be picked up by NPCs and fired
Updated SWEP animation translations for NPCs
Fixed using any NWvar functions on game.GetWorld() resetting its NWVars/GlobalNWVars
Make NPCs more accurate with the HL2 crossbow
Fixed NPCs firing SWEPs twice a frame
Fixed NPC support for manhack_welder (doesnt error now, not allowing pickup from ground)
Flechette Gun can be picked up and used by NPCs
Fixed NPCs using an HL2 crossbow crashing the game on reload (possibly fixes more than 1 instance of this)
HL2 crossbow uses Shotgun NPC animations over SMG1/AR2 ones
HL1 throwables are not pickupable by NPCs ( Satchel, hand grenade, tripmine, snark )
HL2 NPCs can use HL1 shotgun
Filled NPC animation translations for weapon_base
Added SWEP:CanBePickedUpByNPCs() hook, fallbacks to return false cuz pmuch any SWEP is unusable by NPCs
HL2 NPCs can use HL1 357
NPCs can pick up SWEPs if SWEP:CanBePickedUpByNPCs returns true.
Disallow NPCs from picking up SLAM, HL2 frag nade, bugbait, phys and grav guns because they just can't use em.
Added missing L4D1 and CS:GO map icons
Trying to load a gmod save with missiing map will now display a more explicit/nicer error message
Automatically fill out the default value for middle mouse click reset feature on sliders for all tool context menus from the supplied convar, if any is given
Mounting Left 4 Dead 1 will also mount its "The Sacrifice" DLC
Readded Zeno Clash mounting, apparently the model pack exists in Tools
Fixed crashing issues with Entity.GetSequenceInfo and Entity.GetAnimInfo with out of bounds IDs (returns nil instead)
Added "anims" field to Entity.GetSequenceInfo, contains all AnimationIDs associated with given SequenceID (awlays a table)
Allow writing of .json files to data/ folder using file.Write
Fix local dupe list not updating once it is active
Reenable cursor worldclicker fix for now because i can't make it break DNumberScratch which is why it was disabled
Updated TTT FGD
Fixed saving a dupe not automatically updating the local dupe list
ENT:OnTraceAttack for nextbots
Added NEXTBOT:OnTraceAttack( dmginfo, dir, trace )
base_nextbot automatically calls GM:ScaleNPCDamage
HL2 jeep gets its gun on HL2 maps automatically
Moved dog footsteps clientside
Fixed killing yourself with the Jeep's Gauss Gun making the vehicle bugged, unenterable and sometimes driving forward endlessly
Fixed Rollermine NPC on fire constantly jumping and not doing much else
Fixed Gravity Gun launching jeeps and airboats too hard
Fixed Gravity Gun punting not having clamped force
Fixed Gravity Gun sounds in multiplayer
Fixed Gravity Gun visual effects
Fixed weapon_crossbow sounds in multiplayer, fixed weapon_crossbow;s 3rd person sprite misplacement by giving the world model an attachment
Fixed stunstick first person effects not working in singleplayer firstperson
Removed unnecessary IsNPC/Weapon/Vehicle/etc function definitions from Weapon and Player, since they are inherited from Entity metatable
Added Entity.IsNextBot
Added game.GetAmmoTypes() - returns table of ammoID = ammoName
Added game.GetAmmoData( id ) - returns AmmoData struct of given ammoID
Added gmod_maxammo, defaulted to 9999, affects max carried ammo of players, values below 1 mean use the ammo type's maximum
Improved the "Warning: Tried to set missing key on Dynamic Light object" message to include stacktrace and proper newlines
Added SetDamage input to crossbow_bolt (hl2)
Removed mounting support for Zeno Clash Model Pack as it no longer exists.
net message warnings now contain the net message name they belong to
Fixed first person crossbow sprite and fix 3rd person stunstick sprite
Fixed Ceiling Turret's shooting sounds and Muzzle Flash
Translate logic_choreographed_scene
Restore npc_dog footsteps
C_BaseFlex initializes its matrix on creation
Replace a bunch of internal ErrorNoHalt calls in Lua bindings to also include stack trace