3,556 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.05cph!
Fixed extreme performance loss when trying to render unmounted materials (unmounting CSS while on a map that uses CSS content and re-joining that map)
Use UnlitGeneric as fallback shader when no shader is given, so that brushes/displacements are not completely invisible or have weird distorted wireframe representations floating around
Fixed decal related crashes on world geometry (brushes/displacements) when the material they are applied to are unmounted
Added NPC:PickupWeapon( wep ) = bool
Fixed missing Stalker sounds (pain, death, ep1 train stuff)
Load Narrator sounds from Stanley Parable if available
Fixed OnMouse* and OnCursor* hooks not working on panels derived from RichText
Fixed SWEP:OwnerChanged being very unreliable and inconsistent
Player's footsteps no longer play mid-air when the prop they were walking on got deleted
Applied the visibility tests from https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Env_projectedtexture/fixes#Enabling_visibility_tests (requests/issues/874)
▆▉▌▍▋▄▄▅▅▇ ▍▌▋█▆▊▄: ▅▍▌ ███▇▇▌▍ ▉▌▋ █▄▅▄▋▄▍▅█▉ █▌▄▋ ▋▋▌▅▉▅▍▋▍▊ ▌▋▅ (▉▊▍▄█▆▇▌▍ ▋▊▋▆ ▋▍▊▇▇▊█ ▊▉▊ ▍▋▍▋▌), ▋▅▉▅ ▍▌█▉▉▉▍ ▉▊▍ ▌▍ ▆█▆█▄▅ ▉▆ ▆▇█▍▄▍ ▆▉▉▉ ▅▋▆ ▉▌▇▇▇▅ ▌▇▅▋▋▋▊, ▋▇▊▇▌ ▉ ▊▆▍▉ ██ █▉▆█▍ ▅▋▅▋ ▋▉▍ ▅▊▄▋▌▅ ▊▊▆█▆▌▌
Added .vmt to file.Write whitelist
Added Player.GetUseEntity() - shared, returns the entity that would be used if the player would press their +use key, including GM:FindUseEntity results
retry in singleplayer now acts like "map currentmap.bsp"
Current value is passed to DTextEntry's OnEnter callback (Community Contribution)
▋▌▆▉ ▊█▆█▌▌▍ ▌▅▅ ▉▋▌▊ █▊▇▅▄▉█▇ ▋▅▋_█▍▄▉▋▍▄▉▅▌ ▌▊▉▍█▋▉, ▍▋▊▅▇ ▋▋▄▊▉▌ ▊▅▇▋▅ ▋▇▍▌▆▇ ▆▉▆▊▌▉▄▌, ▅▉▋▌▇ ▍█▊▅ ▅▇█▅ ▇▆▌▄█▅▉ ▋▊▉▍ ▇▉ ▉▅▌▊ ▍▆ ▄▌▇/▆▍▇▄▌ ▊▅▆▋█▌▆ ▌▆█/▊▇ ██▄▉▄▌▉ ▌█▇▋█▅ ▅▇▆▍▄▍
Fixed loading of .png materials with different material parameters not working properly
Fixed loading of .png textures after a map change trying to load .vtf versions of the textures and failing every time
SuperDOF UI window now repositions itself when player's screen resolution changes
Weapons in the weapons tab now have an "NPC" icon if they can be used as NPC weapons, which a right click option to set that weapon as the current NPC weapon override
Added "Sandbox Settings" User category in Utilities which contains the maxresults slider + some sandbox related toggles from the menubar
Added Freeze/Unfreeze effects checkboxes to Physgun Settings
Added a killicon for prop_ragdoll, prop_physics_respawnable, func_pushable and func_physbox (same as prop_physics)
Added models/player.phy so that mounting Portal 2 doesn't make models/player.mdl spawn as an unmovable object
Added PLAYER:Death hook (Community Contribution)
Added ErrorNoHalt with stack when Lua is trying to send an overflowed net message
Added SANDBOX:CanArmDupe( ply ) hook, return false to prevent players from being able to arm dupes.
Community Contributions:
* Switched GM:GetFallDamage to use GetConVar() over GetConVarNumber() in base gamemode
* base_gmodentity.GetPlayer() now properly returns the player object after player reconnected to the server for base_gmodentity derived entities
* Right click removing entities with the Remover tool now properly progresses the Remover achievement on Steam
Sandbox persistence Context menu property also trims whitespace of the convar value
Sandbox persistence now trims whitespace on input so you don't end up with files that the game refuses to write to/read from
NPC weapon selection is now sorted alphabetically
Added ENT:OnChangeActivity for base_ai entities
NPC.MarkEnemyAsEluded and NPC.ClearEnemyMemory now have an optional argument - enemy
Added NPC.HasEnemyEluded, NPC.HasEnemyMemory, NPC.GetEnemyLastKnownPos, NPC.GetEnemyLastSeenPos, NPC.GetEnemyLastTimeSeen, NPC.GetEnemyFirstTimeSeen - All of these have an optional argument - enemy, which defaults to GetEnemy()
Added NPC.SetIdealYawAndUpdate( yaw, yawSpeed = -1 )
Added PlayerCheckLimit hook (Community Contribution)
Physgun glow/beam will no longer render in 3rd person if the weapon itself is hidden
Community Contributions:
* Reduced minimum width for rope based constraints to 0.2, from 1
* Added GM:CanUndo hook
* weapon_fists now obeys the phys_pushscale convar
▅█▄▇█ ▆▄█ ▌▊▌▍▊▆▄▄█▇▍▊█▌ => ▌▉▉::▋▌▍▋ ▌▊▅ ▌▌▍█▉█▍▄▌▄▋ ▌▋▅▋▌▌ █▋▋▌ ▍▉▆
Community Contributions:
* Typo fix for gm_save console message
* Fixed cvars.AddChangeCallback's identifier not working as intended
* TTT: Fixed an incorrect comment
Fixed a memory leak when decompressing BSP PAK (Lump 40) files
move "Cannot read %i fragment bytes" to developer 1
Added Player.PickupWeapon( wep, onlyAmmo ) = bool success
Fixed prop_physics_respawnable being removed when being "killed" or broken, breaking the "respawnable" part of the entity
Fixed Motion Blur and Overlay Post Processing effects not working well with poster command
Added optional argument to render.DrawScreenQuad() which defaults to false - Apply poster corrections, used for the fix above
Fixed Toy Town post processing effect having 1px tall gap at the bottom of the screen with certain settings
▅▍▋ ▆█ ▋▊▋ ▋▉▊▍▄▊ ▉▆▆▆▋▊ ▍▌ ▊▇▇▄▊
Reworked client console deduplication to hopefully be more reliable and less over-engineered
▍ ▍▆▆▊▆▄ ▄█▌ █▇█ ▊▄█ ▋▋▊▊▍█▍▅▄
▌▆▄▍▍ ▍▇▄ ▊▊▍▊▇█▌▊▆ ▄▉▆▅▍▍▄█▍▍
Fixed servers trying to send a random Lua file to clients if there is no files needed to be sent
▊▋▍ ▄▊▄ ▆▍ ▋▍▋ ▍▌▇▋▋▊ ▇▄▉▊▆ ██▍▌▌▄
▉▅▉▉▋▆▇▍▉▆▆ ▇█▇▇█▌▅ ▍▌█ ▋▅▋_▋▊▅▋▉▄▄▊▊█▆▊▄▅▉▅▄▇▉▉▊▆▋▆ ▅▊▊ ▆▅▄▋▌▄▋
Added sk_npc/plr_dmg_crowbar/stunstick convars
Added NPC.RememberUnreachable( ent, time=3 ) to give NPC.IsUnreachable a reason to exist