
185 Commits over 92 Days - 0.08cph!

24 Days Ago
Updated wallpaper icons and skin list. Repositioned wallpaper WM in icon scene.
25 Days Ago
Updated AO on subway
25 Days Ago
Missed some diamond wallpaper files
25 Days Ago
Created tiling blue diamond wallpaper, compatible with Wainscotting A. Updated Wainscotting A wallpaper to match. Updated skins list. Changed glossiness of venetian plaster set. Downressed some supporting textures in wallpaper set.
25 Days Ago
Include latest skins when using setwallpaper command
25 Days Ago
Tweaked wallpaper textures aniso levels
25 Days Ago
Enabled mip map streaming for all wallpaper textures
25 Days Ago
Make sure we aren't setting wallpaper on incompatible blocks when using 'ent setwallpaper' command
25 Days Ago
merge from main
25 Days Ago
Added venetian plaster wallpaper A, B, C (pending icons) and updated skin list
26 Days Ago
Fixed wallpaper being colored by shipping container custom colors
26 Days Ago
Added commands to easily apply and remove wallpaper to building blocks - ent setwallpaper <radius> <skinid> (skinid set to -1 will randomize a skin for each blocks) - ent removewallpaper <radius>
26 Days Ago
Updated all wallpaper mats to use MULX2 blend type on the detail layer (fixes missing normal and occlusion)
26 Days Ago
restored viewmodel wallpaper renderer
26 Days Ago
Set all wallpaper skins unlocked by default for now so its easier to test on staging
26 Days Ago
updated wallpaper view/ world model prefabs and vm rig with latest mesh
26 Days Ago
Skin setup Created wallpaper steam item and flagged the default wallpaper skins as unlocked by default
26 Days Ago
Added a setting to ItemSkin to let us flag a skin as unlocked by default
26 Days Ago
Restored wallpaper.entity WallpaperModelRenderer components
26 Days Ago
Code cleanup, comments
26 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper World Model FBX to fix flipped UV's on LOD 1 and 2 FIxed Wallpaper World Model FBX not having LODs Updated Wallpaper View Model and World Model to have correct names and data names FIxed Wallpaper World Model UV rotation error.
26 Days Ago
Fixed WallpaperModelRenderer server fields mismatch
26 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper Viewmodel and Worldmodel to the latest FBX
26 Days Ago
updated wallpaper entity with latest world model meshes
27 Days Ago
Compile fix
27 Days Ago
Fixed wallpaper pickable and skinnable from the hardside of a doorway without a door
27 Days Ago
wallpaper_viewmodel by default on view model and world model prefabs
27 Days Ago
Restored wallpaper viewmodel refs
27 Days Ago
Tweaked wallpaper icon framing, generated the default one - the other will come later this wee
27 Days Ago
latest wallpaper viewmodel mesh added to prefab and rig
27 Days Ago
Added first person deploy sound to wallpaper
27 Days Ago
Pulled out the view/world model logic from WallpaperPlanner to WallpaperModelRenderer Fixed wallpaper viewmodel missing shadows
27 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper View model and World Model FBX's to make cuts more subtle
27 Days Ago
Update Wallpaper View Model and World Model FBX to fix UV Errors
27 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper Viewmodel and World Model FBX
27 Days Ago
Fixed wallpaper world model skin material not being swapped for all LODs
27 Days Ago
Reverted the -1 Y tiling in code, pushed by accident
27 Days Ago
Set the viewmodel to use the wallpaper mats, but add the AO and normal maps into the detail layer Tweaked the viewmodel base material to match the blue default skin
27 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper Viewmodel Texture and Material settings
27 Days Ago
skinned latest wall paper viewmodel in rig and updated anims for it
27 Days Ago
Fixed WallpaperPlanner.OnFrame NRE
27 Days Ago
Applied feedback to Subway 2 wallpaper (applied skirting, shifted accent colour). Fixed Wainscotting 2 icon in skins list.
27 Days Ago
Updated Wallpaper View Model Normal Map Updated Wallpaper View Model FBX
27 Days Ago
Update Wallpaper View Model and World Model Removed Wallpaper View Model Opacity Map Rest Wallpaper View Model Material to use correct channels
27 Days Ago
tweaked glowboard intesity a notch set emissive compression to HQ for now. We may want to dither the emissive if we set it to normal quality to reduce banding
28 Days Ago
Generated and applied icons for wainscotting, glowboard, subway wallpaper. Updated skin list.
28 Days Ago
More work on wainscotting wallpaper. Added glowboard A and B wallpapers. Updated skin lists - icons to come later.
28 Days Ago
Fixed wallpaper deployable mismatch when looking in between two building blocks
28 Days Ago
Named all skins and changed phrase token
28 Days Ago
World model prefabs, colliders, outline etc Updated drag and drop inventory sounds