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8 Years Ago
Building blocks store a unique building ID (all building blocks that belong to the same building have the same building ID) Network++
8 Years Ago
Added decal renderer and bullet impact decals.
8 Years Ago
DM and Action Run is still on Sim Tick, while some other things that's got to do with Behaviour Chain ticking has been moved onto the ordinary Tick.
8 Years Ago
Fixed muzzle mods missing from asset bundles (RUST-963)
8 Years Ago
triggerTurnL and triggerTurnR setup for human but needs hooking up via code
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE wip room script, commenting unfinished part
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
- Speed tweak
8 Years Ago
Updated truck with right materials
8 Years Ago
made mudhut base deeper and have less of a lip init randomNumber on units in animation prefab so I can modify the idle speed with it to stop animals idles syncing up
8 Years Ago
Bleeding now is attached to it's unit.
8 Years Ago
- Commented out camer cullign debug line
8 Years Ago
▌▇▉▇▉▉▄_▊▅▉▌▉▄▅█▇▄ █▆▅▅ ▌ ▌▆▍▍▊▆▋▅▅▍▅▆
8 Years Ago
▇▊▆▊▄██_▅▆▍▉▇▊▊▅▍█ ▄▆▉▆ ▅ ▍▉▄ ▉▉ ▌▄▍▉ ▆▉▇▋█
8 Years Ago
Fixed admins getting AH violations when disabling admin cheat while moving very fast Fixed taking damage when entering water while using admin cheat
8 Years Ago
Fixed being able to place boxes partially inside walls (RUST-908)
8 Years Ago
Fixed weapon attachments being invisible when attached to weapon that is currently held Cleaned up some code that dealt with the weapon attachment disabled flag
8 Years Ago
Moved the handling of "frames per tick" tracking, that it's a bit more clear what's going on with it.
8 Years Ago
A sim tick won't use up multiple frames due to the three states of ticking anymore, but rather strive to use as much of it's budget as possible each frame (even if that includes multiple tick states in a single frame).
8 Years Ago
Fixed order of SetDestination start
8 Years Ago
NRE fix in combat ability selector
8 Years Ago
Combat ability selector tweaks
8 Years Ago
EntityManager budget sim tick in LateUpdate
8 Years Ago
EntityManager test
8 Years Ago
Updated scenes Removed old truck prefab
8 Years Ago
Fixed potential NREs in Corpse
8 Years Ago
Testing ActionChain break change (dont break current action if not running, I suspect this never got called anyway) Navigation.SetDestination does reset path again, for testing
8 Years Ago
TribeStartArea tweak Snow weather type
8 Years Ago
source file stuff
8 Years Ago
Sleepfx scale.
8 Years Ago
Aiming source anims for vm bone knife/club
8 Years Ago
Sleep fx renders more nicely.
8 Years Ago
tiles for Bill
8 Years Ago
Dirt click fx improvements (needs to eventually pull biome colors) Blood tweaks
8 Years Ago
Prefab attachment data, arrow trails
8 Years Ago
CameraModule.Follow tweaks (abstract in base) Clicking tribe portraits will snapto, select and follow the unit
8 Years Ago
gui scene
8 Years Ago
UnitBehaviourWidget work
8 Years Ago
Blood isn't bioluminescent anymore
8 Years Ago
Camera settings.
8 Years Ago
Behaviour constructor fix
8 Years Ago
Some behaviour UI groundwork Ability description changes Saved island01 with splat painting off, again
8 Years Ago
Camera values.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Exposed perception cooldown for go to actions in data
8 Years Ago
Following units should now use the last seen position and stop after a certain time if the target is no longer perceived.
8 Years Ago
pink mat
8 Years Ago
Scene save
8 Years Ago
Removed look and wait from end of Interaction.GoTo Added Human Idle AI module with Ponder Goal/Plan Successive player commands now add behaviours to the GPV.BehaviourChain rather than cancelling it (if it was player initiated)
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE foreground shader FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab