repoGarrys Modcancel

8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!

11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Fixed legacy CBaseEntity::FireBullets not setting attacker
1 Year Ago
Fixed a bug with Panel.SetCaretPos Added more info to 'Overflow error writing string table baseline' host error Display disconnect reason UI when encountering a host error in singleplayer
1 Year Ago
Fixed a crash with base NPC when hosltering weapon and having no weapon
1 Year Ago
Made NPC vs NPC killicon consistent with NPC vs Player deaths Pull Requests: * Added util.IsBinaryModuleInstalled * Added color support and fixed a bug with table.(De)Sanitise * Fixed potential Lua error in Derma drag'n'drop system
1 Year Ago
Added Entity:SetSurroundingBounds( vec, vec ) Added Entity:SetSurroundingBoundsType( BOUNDS_ ) Added vec, vec = Entity:GetSurroundingBounds()
1 Year Ago
Fix NWVars not updating on mismatched server/client versions due to additon of new user messages
1 Year Ago
Minor vbsp changes from go branch
1 Year Ago
Fixed IRestore.ReadString having a limit on string length
1 Year Ago
Improved ladder prediction (HL2 ladder mounting is still wonky)
1 Year Ago
Update ignore.conf Added a message to srcds console when not having GSLT about its impact on server ranking Pull Request: Added "readonly" option to DProperties properties, for editable entities editor Update TTT from github
1 Year Ago
Fixed sv_cheats not resetting on server join
1 Year Ago
try to fix linux compile error
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fixed FCVAR_REPLICATED cvars resetting to default/keeping server value when joining a server and leaving.
1 Year Ago
Fixed static CLuaParticles not updating their lighting
1 Year Ago
Adjust build scripts to support x64 VS2022
1 Year Ago
Fixed prop_dynamic crashing the game when given invalid break usermessage names Added "(Cheap)BreakModel" user messages that some maps use
1 Year Ago
Added Entity:IsInBounds Added string.StartsWith (Community contrib, for consistency with string.EndsWith)
1 Year Ago
Made player_manager.AddValidHands skin/body arguments optional Group NPC weapons by category Community: * Minor adjustment to DCheckBox:Toggle * SWEP:HUDShouldDraw is no longer required to return true to not break HUD * Added an option to player_manager.AddValidHands to match hands skin to player model selected skin automatically * Reload spawnmenu on language change * Added HL1 357 & shotgun to NPC usable weapon list * Removed a vulgar comment
1 Year Ago
Default weapon selection checks gmod's localization files Fixed a crash when setting player's hull size to nothing
1 Year Ago
Added optional surfaceprop argument to PhysicsInitMultiConvex, PhysicsInitConvex, PhysicsFromMesh and PhysicsInitBox. All of them now also get correct volume set.
1 Year Ago
Potential fix for a crash with steamworks.DownloadUGC Fixed Hammer Inputs/Outputs duplicating from base classes Fixed a visual bug in Lua Errors section of Problems menu
1 Year Ago
Added gmod_language to blocked convars (can still read it)
1 Year Ago
Fix NPC_CraneDriver crashing when the crane's magnet is removing
1 Year Ago
Fixed crashes when an entity has negative skin value
1 Year Ago
Fixed Gravity Gun preferred carry angles ignoring player's pitch angles Fixed Gravity Gun ignoring "spin_none" interaction for props
1 Year Ago
Fixed vehicle collision group "not saving" by duplicator.
1 Year Ago
branch specific compile fix
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Infinite scroll for server browser, no longer limited to 256 servers per gamemode
1 Year Ago
Switch "Outdated" tags in server browser to use steam.inf version, not the garrysmod.ver version
1 Year Ago
Added sv_password to list of convars Lua cannot READ
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Remove OnFireOutput hook, it will never work 100% correctly
1 Year Ago
Remove the original ClearAllOutputs input on CNPC_PlayerCompanion
1 Year Ago
Added OnFireOutput hook ( name, ent, activator, param, delay ) - fired when an map IO output is fired.
1 Year Ago
Added ClearAllOutputs input to all entities Added surface.GetTextureNameFromID() Added NPC.Get/SetMaxLookDistance Added Entity.ClearAllOutputs( str )
1 Year Ago
Fixed crashes when trying get model sprite size with a null sprite/model (and when trying to get model bounds of null model) Fixed a crash when trying to spawn ai_node too early Fixed a crash when calling Spawn() on an entity that deletes itself in the Spawn() function
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
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