19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!
Editor typos
Data save
Added Deer Corpse item
Fixed bad EntitySettings.GenerateComponentsList
Refactored a bunch of EntitySettingsEditor stuff, consistency across all editors for component data
Added EntitySettings.DefaultComponents property and validation of fields via reflection
Moved Unit.Properties UC back toUnit partial
The best GoalPlan Decision is now removed from the DecisionMaker.Decisions collection prior to GPV construction
Added some Building behavious to the the Shelter module
Removed GoalPlan BehaviourChain "blackboard filtering". Replaced all usage with new Conditions on "find best" Abilities
APO data
Crafted items get attached to one of their valid slots instead of a random AP
It is no longer possible to chop down trees using a rock
Added ResourceSpawner
Removed lots of old corpse assets
Removing scripts from some unit prefabs
Basic avoidance system using Uniy's NavMeshAgent priorities.
Nuked local avoidance hacks
AvoidanceNavMeshAgent enabled gate
Fixed things colliding with the UnitPortraits layer
Removed debug rays from CameraModule
Removing a bunch of navigation hacks and workarounds
Reduced pitch variation in Unit.Audio
Entity Create and Setup positional params
Initial test of local unit avoidance.
Added Apex Path & Apex Steer
Don't parent view to itself in Entity+View. Duh.
Started adding new audio bundle stuff (not doing anything yet)
AnimationRootMotion uses unscaledDeltaTime for it's velocity calc, code consistency tweaks
Fixed some Items not correctly initializing their "held" interactions properly
changed how animator movement speeds get modifier to stop hit anims getting speed adjustment
Combat projectiles spawn fix
Combat types move and folder cleanup
Attachments/Items, Item cleanup
Removing old node GUI crap from BeforeEditor
Rename BeforeInspector > BeforeEditor
Items and Attachments component cleanup
Visual FX optionally follow entity transform position
Combat weapon equip NRE fix
Whoops I had skydome disabled in main
VisualFX particle systems play children on fire
Apparently more prefab saves who knew
Why not move ALL the things!?