
17,530 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.45cph!

10 Years Ago
Reorganised scene folders. Added SceneSaveHook.cs to handle runtime scene saving and cleanup and build scenes management.
10 Years Ago
Added @garry 's ScenesToPrefabs script.
10 Years Ago
Updated to latest Amplify* (from Rust repo) and latest TOD from Dropbox.
10 Years Ago
Renamed *Control classes to *Controller.
10 Years Ago
Cleanup Pass -> Deleted some deprecated files, Cleaned up the namespaces and renamed EntityTemplateManager to TemplateManager.
10 Years Ago
Renamed StartupDependent to SceneInfo
10 Years Ago
Added Sabertooth with new anims, still quite WIP.
10 Years Ago
Fixed new GameScreen Sub Scene setup and SubsceneDummies for temperate_canyons.
10 Years Ago
Tree updates.
10 Years Ago
When not starting the game from a subscene, the BaseScreen will now pick a random subscene in the list of available subscenes.
10 Years Ago
Fixed some of the Screen to Scene relationship issues + loading from any "subscene" issues we were having.
10 Years Ago
Organising scenes a bit.
10 Years Ago
Reverted camera movement changes. Reset prefab to correct rotations and updated reset script to match. Updated Human Female prefabs.
10 Years Ago
Random edits. Not entirely sure why I've changed ProjectSettings, but I guess I have...
10 Years Ago
Fixed direction that we move camera to be properly the camera forward and right vectors.
10 Years Ago
Added human female assets
10 Years Ago
Simplified the input manager settings. Added a basic click n drag camera control.
10 Years Ago
DX11 is not friends with my laptop
10 Years Ago
Added whitebox for my own experiments/tests. Also added Visual Studio for Unity.
10 Years Ago
Missed a tree.
10 Years Ago
Scene updates. Rexported trees. Switched to standard/native shaders until fog is fixed with SF.
10 Years Ago
Updated TOD
10 Years Ago
Trees rexported using the new UVed pallette texture...
10 Years Ago
Mammoth imported. Trees reimportd with proper scale.
10 Years Ago
Nuked some broken rock prefabs. Added new shader for fabrics (self illum and vertex color controller animation) wipppy wip wip
10 Years Ago
Missed two mats
10 Years Ago
Asset cleanup and rexporting with standardised scaling and other fixes
10 Years Ago
Re exported impala at proper scale
10 Years Ago
Initial commit of project ported to U5, mostly broken and messy for now.
10 Years Ago
Root dir