
1,236 Commits over 3,287 Days - 0.02cph!

10 Years Ago
Added flinch additive source files
10 Years Ago
Adding sleeping flinch anim source files
10 Years Ago
Updated anim template source file.
10 Years Ago
Added flinch anim source files
10 Years Ago
Sleeping bag source (from old art repo.. where did Dan put all the lod'd stuff?)
10 Years Ago
Added furnace + sack from old repo
10 Years Ago
Added first version WIP of new player control rig to source folder
10 Years Ago
added/renamed revised meshes in OBJ folder
10 Years Ago
updated skinning on source file
10 Years Ago
Clothes source update
10 Years Ago
Added updated player clothes file with revised meshes
10 Years Ago
Added updated head OBJ files to source folder
10 Years Ago
Added player weights folder & files
10 Years Ago
updated OBJ source folder
10 Years Ago
Added hands LOD0 obj to source folder
10 Years Ago
updated player clothes source file
10 Years Ago
added animation template file
10 Years Ago
updated player rig
10 Years Ago
deleting duplaicated anim .fbxs from art directory
10 Years Ago
Added new source anims on new rig, moved previous files to ' old rig anims' folder in case needed.
10 Years Ago
ao passes for bill!
11 Years Ago
Added scripts folder. Added scripts for updating the player rig & exporting a clean skeleton with no meshes or erroneous nodes.
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
lods for the head for alex
11 Years Ago
re-organised clothing file folders
11 Years Ago
Added an fbx for all clothing parts + LODS
11 Years Ago
Updated clothes parts source file with basic_feet & naked_torso LODS
11 Years Ago
basic feet lods for alex
11 Years Ago
feet and torso lods for alex
11 Years Ago
updated clothes parts source file & new leg LODS
11 Years Ago
Stone and wooden spear with LODs.
11 Years Ago
Skinned hands & lods, imported head & feet into one central source file. Starting to make lods for feet.
11 Years Ago
Updated clothing parts source file with hand LODS.
11 Years Ago
Added hats source file & LODS.
11 Years Ago
updated clothing parts source file
11 Years Ago
Fishing rod view model/world view model and LODs.
11 Years Ago
source file added for sleeping anim
11 Years Ago
Added source file for naked body parts & relevant LODS so far.
11 Years Ago
Added source file for basic clothes range & relevant LODS
11 Years Ago
updates to player rig
11 Years Ago
Added OBJs for sculpting high-poly basic clothing
11 Years Ago
Some source files for pickaxe and torcNh?ng d?a tr? di h?c 8 ngày m?t tu?n
11 Years Ago
rig updates added to VM_rig_AW
11 Years Ago
updated player rig file
11 Years Ago
deleted _ML version of viewmodel rig, recreated as default with no suffix
11 Years Ago
renamed my old viewModel rig
11 Years Ago
Added new player rig. Still using the current controller layout with additional basic Facial UI. It is also now skinned to the naked male mesh to better show deformation of the body when animating Skeletal changes include: - renaming the hierachy - removing weapon bones - adding l & r prop bones - adding eyes/jaw & penis bone - repositioning ankle bones
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
source files for flare, flashlight
11 Years Ago
adding urban head and urban torso lods