
20 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

7 Months Ago
Turns out I was actually correct the first time about parent rigidbody behaviour for non-kinematic rigidbodies, but kinematic rigidbodies behave differently. BaseEntity.Parenting now handles both cases.
7 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect velocity adjustment when rigidbodies enter or leave parent triggers. With a much better testing setup now, I was able to see that it didn't behave as I thought.
7 Months Ago
Test map wagons and stuff
7 Months Ago
Test map spawn pos move
7 Months Ago
Added a small rail loop to my test map
7 Months Ago
Merge Main -> DroppedItemsOnVehicles
7 Months Ago
Updated all triggers that needed the new Physics Debris layer. Required S2P on excavator and junkyard.
7 Months Ago
Parent dropped items on trains. Even though item behaviour when entering or leaving a trigger isn't great, they get very confused about the kinematic movement without being parented.
7 Months Ago
Dropped items now use Continuous Speculative collision all the time, the only usable mode for vehicle<->item interaction @ 16Hz. The mode can occasionally cause small dropped items to fall through terrain, so DroppedItem has a new terrain check that activates if required and puts them back on top (will not affect intentionally dropping items under terrain as admin).
7 Months Ago
Main camera mask edit to include the new layer
7 Months Ago
Additional physics matrix collision setup. Also allow physics debris to collide with ragdolls.
7 Months Ago
Moved all non-bush content off the Bush physics layer. New "Physics Debris" physics layer used for world items and other physics-based debris (e.g. collectable keycards). This new layer collides with vehicles (but not players).
7 Months Ago
Add missing TagManager layer name change
7 Months Ago
Changed all bush colliders to triggers
7 Months Ago
Test map edit again
7 Months Ago
Renamed Debris layer to Bush. A few random things remain using the layer that aren't bushes - they will be reassigned soon. Bush layer no longer collides with anything in the physics matrix.
7 Months Ago
Test map stuff for testing. Vehicles, keycard.
7 Months Ago
Moved a couple of world models from Debris to the Default layer (the layer is always set via whatever layer is set on generic_world.prefab anyway - usually world models use Default on their own prefab in the meantime).
7 Months Ago
Moved ice AK ice FX from Debris layer to TransparentFX.
7 Months Ago
Moved some spray can components off the Debris layer