
87 Commits over 122 Days - 0.03cph!

30 Days Ago
Improve line covers
31 Days Ago
Fix compile error
31 Days Ago
Add line cover component
31 Days Ago
Incentivize peeking when hearing sound ahead, clean up unused states, fix compile error from merge
32 Days Ago
Merge from main
32 Days Ago
Make scientist play more conservatively at the beginning of an encounter or after action packed moments
32 Days Ago
Fix vddraw never showing scientist aim
32 Days Ago
Fix scientists being able to shoot a last bullet upeon dying
32 Days Ago
Allow scientists to retreat after close range scuffle lasted long enough
32 Days Ago
Have scientists try to predict which angle the player will pop from and wait, to prevent scientists flanking too agressively to acquire a direct LoS
32 Days Ago
Fix scientists taking too many risks when repositionning
32 Days Ago
Add reaction time to scientists to avoid unreactable peeks
32 Days Ago
Fix heli targeting scientists
33 Days Ago
Prevent scientist from going back to patrolling like nothing happened when they know a threat is nearby
33 Days Ago
Remove manual call to hurt in scientist as it's now a method of entityComponent
33 Days Ago
When hit, automatically update the offender's position
33 Days Ago
Forward the Hurt call from entity to entityComponent
34 Days Ago
Prevent scientists moving too close to player when seeking cover
35 Days Ago
Make scientists strafe erratically when fighting at very very close range instead of wasting time seeking cover
35 Days Ago
Fix scientists footstep sounds not playing correctly
35 Days Ago
When peeking scientists will hide deeper behind corners and only peek tightly, instead of staying just behind the corner (almost sicking out) and always peeking wide
36 Days Ago
Snap scientists to their cover even if those are slightly off navmesh (else they don't stick to the walls because of navmesh erosion, and can be spotted easily)
36 Days Ago
Prevent scientists from sneaking if they need to get into cover asap
36 Days Ago
Add categories to rust editor window loadouts, and add loadouts for every workbench tiers
2 Months Ago
Have scientist briefly strafe and use suppressing fire before turning and sprinting to a distant cover Have them crouch and sneak instead if the cover they want to go to is very close
2 Months Ago
Make scientists look towards where they "think" the player is, not where the player actually is Make scientist not be able to shoot when they are sprinting
2 Months Ago
When generating covers, automatically delete previously spawned sub monuments
2 Months Ago
Add some randomness to the scientist peek timings
2 Months Ago
Setup new scientist animation system
2 Months Ago
Fix scientist corpse prefab ID not being updated after folder move
2 Months Ago
Make scientists reposition when they realize they are flanked
2 Months Ago
Fix covers not facing the right way when converted from a prefab local space to world space
2 Months Ago
When waiting in cover, scientist face the side they think you'll come from instead of facing the wall This also helps sneaking up on them when flanking from the opposite side
2 Months Ago
Have scientist try to guess your current location based on where they saw you last
2 Months Ago
Renaming crouch to duck for consistency
2 Months Ago
First pass on scientists peeking out of tall and low cover
2 Months Ago
Use constants from BasePlayer and PlayerEyes for NPC cover generation and selection
2 Months Ago
Have scientists only crouch when their cover is low
2 Months Ago
Make scientists approach by sprinting or sneaking from cover to cover
2 Months Ago
Prevent scientists from shooting when they are sprinting After they sprint, if their target is not directly in front of them, they will need some time to aim at their target again
2 Months Ago
Make killscientists command also kill new scientists
2 Months Ago
Fix scientist appearing on server but not client (had to redo DoPrepare and rebuild manifests after changing folder)
2 Months Ago
Update spawns in desert mil base dwellings
2 Months Ago
Bake covers for mil desert base
2 Months Ago
Bake covers inside prefabs in the prefab's local space, so that they can be retransformed in world space when the prefab is placed (baked covers are not gameobjects, just structs in a list, so they are not automatically parented)
2 Months Ago
Make the cover tool faster by only generating the helper navmesh on tiny planes that perfectly fit the bounds of each monument sub-prefabs
2 Months Ago
Tool to load all sub-prefabs of a monument, automatically add scientist covers nodes to them, then save the covers in each prefabs This way we can still bake covers in editor even though monuments are procedural Also optimize the tool to take less than 1s for basic monuments like desert military base
2 Months Ago
Clean up folders
2 Months Ago
Prevent scientists from magically knowing where you are and homing on you They now have to use their senses, guess and search methodically Allowing them to be surprised, baited and flanked Fix scientists seeing through opaque tarp
2 Months Ago
If a scientist loses sight of you and you pop from another angle they don't expect, they'll take more time to flick their crosshair to you If you reappear in the exact same spot though, they won't need to move their crosshair so they'll just shoot based on the average human reaction time