408 Commits over 123 Days - 0.14cph!
Stagger wolf when damaged a lot, instead of on every head shot
Add wolf bark before coordinated attack, add proper death state
Make fsms easier to edit by exposing them on the prefab
Reparent root motion SOs to baseScriptableObject to avoid duplicating them in bundles, remove unused animatorStateName
Allow fsm transitions to pass parameters to the destination state, use it to select different animations to play on wolf when hurt
Wrap animator into a playable, to allow playing one-shot animations without having to edit the animator every time
Allow lightweights entity components to handle RPCs
Create lightweight components that don't have the overhead of unity components
Make wolves more agile by making their turn radius speed independent, make the approach more interesting by adding speed and angle variations
Replace coroutine by invokes, pool the lists, also allow new montages to cancel currently playing one
Allow new wolf to deal damage and drop a corpse
exported wolf run 180 turn left to run rm and wolf attack 1 rm anims
Undo changes to old wolf animator
Remove debug draw and replace constants with convar
First pass on wolf combat behaviour
Placeholder logic to have wolves react to another wolf being hit nearby
Add convar to toggle fsm logging
Have wolves only fall over on headshots
exported wolf run hit left and right animations
Prototyope smooth path following for the wolf, hook hit anim
exported wolf run hit 3 rm animation
exported wolf run hit 2 anim
Add proxy tag fsm transitions, fix movement from previous states perduring in new states, proxy hurt state
exported wolf run hit animation test
Fix wolf not taking damage
Remove unecessary includes
Simplify hfsm by implementing it with a stack instead of recursion
Support state names to help debugging FSM, and fix range / speed bugs in wolf encircling
Add some structure to wolf behaviour code
Add proxy circle behaviour to wolf to test anims
exported wolf run turnleft 150 to run test anim
Integrate all new wolf gaits with correct speeds
Update wolf turn root motion, fix root motion extractor breaking references, have root motion extractor run automatically one animations with names ending in _rm
set wolf anims that need to loop to looping and edited name of wolf rotate L/R anims
exported wolf prowl anim at origin
renamed 'new wolf anims' folder to 'anim2024_update' and added _rm to the end of wolf 180 turn and run attack anims
exported wolf idle 1 and 5 anims and shortened wolf run attack to remove the growling part
exported all updated wolf animations in a new folder
edited wolf run 180 turnleft anim so it runs with a wider arc
Improve wolf transition to 180 turn, do not turn if the target is still in front
Fix root motion not properly handling rotation