
125 Commits over 61 Days - 0.09cph!

6 Years Ago
Rusty texture variant for compound scaffoldings
6 Years Ago
replaced emergency stairs with final prefabs scene2prefab compound
6 Years Ago
Compound emergency stairs meshes/coliders/prefabs
6 Years Ago
compound shops and stations decals scene2prefab compound
6 Years Ago
loading platforms final models/prefabs bag o changes scene2prefab compound
6 Years Ago
Improved hostility checks for Scientists.
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
static small water catcher and t2 bench
6 Years Ago
NPC turrets ignore NPCs when targeting.
6 Years Ago
Compound walls / added additional LOD level
6 Years Ago
compound terrain blend map tweak
6 Years Ago
big bag o changes scene2prefab compound
6 Years Ago
Added scientist spawns and patrol prefab to level Navmesh setup Scene2Prefab compound
6 Years Ago
replaced vending machines to NPC vending machines in level scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
deleting some crap
6 Years Ago
compound vending machine baseline
6 Years Ago
cloth mods
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Added clothsim awnings to the compound scene / tweaked no-stripe materials
6 Years Ago
sound player culling for awning
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
lower awning volume
6 Years Ago
lod tweaks
6 Years Ago
awning cloth
6 Years Ago
Awnings additonal stripe mask
6 Years Ago
extra awning prefabs awnings placement in level scene2prefab compound
6 Years Ago
extra color materials for awnings
6 Years Ago
Awnings final models/textures/prefabs
6 Years Ago
progress backup wip loading platforms
6 Years Ago
Updated scientist spawns and patrol routes at Compound.
6 Years Ago
progress backup final ground meshes
6 Years Ago
active sentries added in compound scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
compound sentry turrets
6 Years Ago
progress backup compound scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
progress backup compound scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
progress backup compound scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
house ruins final models and colliders
6 Years Ago
Started on setting up the patrol routes on Scientist Compound using the new Waypoint system. Added IsHostile marking on BasePlayer. Might move this into the Scientist Comm later for more localized IsHostile awareness.
6 Years Ago
Merged from main
6 Years Ago
scientist sentry turret prefab with hierarchy compound perimeter walls placement scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
Fixed gaps between compound walls
6 Years Ago
Deleted unused gate materials
6 Years Ago
Short compound wall lods/col/prefab
6 Years Ago
Compound gates LODs COL and prefabs / Fixed missing barbed wire material on compound walls
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
quick fix for the compound entrances, using gate + checkpoints
6 Years Ago
Compound walls LOD/COL/prefabs