
30 Commits over 31 Days - 0.04cph!

5 Years Ago
Use current flag instead of next (probably the same thing but this keeps consistency)
5 Years Ago
Increase maximum length of drain calculation
5 Years Ago
Show clone option by default when mousing over plants while holding RMB (save opening entity menu)
5 Years Ago
Gravity warning when connecting fluid entities will now be more accurate and take into account whether a prop is powered
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Check server state in CeilingLight growable refresh (like the GrowableHeatSource component)
5 Years Ago
Add check for IsDestroyed in all WantsSplash implementations
5 Years Ago
Code review: Change PushLiquid in LiquidContainer to CheckPushLiquid Null check time cached values Use IsValid check where possible (and in IOEntity) Ensure push targets don't get double added Better sprinkler splash randomisation
5 Years Ago
Fixed growable entities updating their quality twice when consuming water
5 Years Ago
Liquid Containers will now automatically evenly distribute their water between up to 3 connected liquid containers Liquid Containers now cache the targets for pushing water instead of calculating/traversing the IO system every time they push water
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Subtract 53586 (already getting pooled on a different branch)
5 Years Ago
Planters, sprinklers, water pump, fluid switch are now poolable
5 Years Ago
Added a GrowableHeatSource component to make heaters affect plants Uses the new TimeCachedValue to prevent repeated artificial temperature checks (like light checks)
5 Years Ago
The powered water purifier will stop converting salt water when it's output container is full, will automatically resume once some fresh water is removed
5 Years Ago
Comment TimeCachedValue
5 Years Ago
Revert line of sight change on sprinkler
5 Years Ago
Cleanup, some comments
5 Years Ago
Make the light calculation methods of GrowableEntity static so we can call it from PlanterBox
5 Years Ago
Added a budgeted update for growable entity calculations so performance cost should be uniform regardless of server farm density (0.25ms default) Only update water quality when hit by a sprinkler Remove gene caching
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Fix some client server issues when playing in editor
5 Years Ago
Use a new TimeCachedValue class to only update plant quality values every x seconds with a generic system
5 Years Ago
Cache temperature at position on the planter and access that from plants
5 Years Ago
Calculate artificial light and sunlight on the planter instead of the plant
5 Years Ago
Sprinkler/Growable server side performance improvements Cache ISplashables in range instead of a Vis loop every splash Cache whether a plant can see the sun to avoid a raycast every time we update quality
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Force calculate artificial lights on first calculate Add a 5s random offset to the time restriction on updating artificial light quality
5 Years Ago
Some optimisations to calculating artificial light values in large farms Only update the artificial light level of a plant every 20 seconds, but force an update if a light nearby changes state Added some slight randomisation to sprinkler splash invokes to space out the load