
799 Commits over 184 Days - 0.18cph!

5 Years Ago
IK pass on drum kit Show all ik points as gizmos
5 Years Ago
Cleaned up duplicate piano and drum kit sound definitions
5 Years Ago
Fixed some keybinding issues, fixed dedicated sharp keys not doing anything
5 Years Ago
Cleanup logic to potentially support more notes
5 Years Ago
Player model IK support, assign an IK target per note and move hands to appropriate location
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Tambourine setup (placeholder sfx)
5 Years Ago
Bass item setup (no sfx yet)
5 Years Ago
Updated cowbell with new key controller
5 Years Ago
Flute instrument setup with placeholder sounds. Added support for instruments that only allow one note at a time
5 Years Ago
Volume falloff tweaks
5 Years Ago
Moved some scripts into more sensible locations
5 Years Ago
▉▌▊▊▅▍ ▉▍▇ ▋ █▉▉▇▌▊▊▍▅▍ ▋▇▌▆. ▊▅▊▇▅ ▄▋▇▇▊▋▄▊ ▊▍▆▊▊ █▌█▋ ▌██▍ ▉ ▆██▄▆▄▇▄▍▇▆▋▆▍▄▅▌▊ ▌▄▄ ▄▌▆▅▍ ▍▌ ▌▇▆▍ ▅ ▉▉▍ ▍▊▉▄▇▊▍▍█▌/▅▍▇▉▍▌▊▍█ ▅▉▅▍▆▄█▅▉▅. ▆▊▊█ ▅ ▆▆▄ ▋▊▇▄▍ ▌▆▋▄▉ ▆▇█▇▅▅▇ ▇▋▊ ▆▍▌ ▉▇▌▅▆█ ▉▆▇▋▋▌▇/▅▅▉▇▊▉▍▍▌▆. ▊▍█▉▄ ▋▉▉▋▌▋▌ ▊▅ ▋▍▇ ▉▆ ▍▊▊ ▉▌▄▆▋ (█▄▋▄▌▊ ▅▅▅▌▌██ ▌▅ ▍▄ ▉▆██▊). ▊▆█▊▍▉▄█▉▉ ▋▍▅▉▄▋▌▅ █▄▉▅█▄ ▌▅ ▉▊▉▆▋ ▌▇▋▇█▉ ▅▋▊ ▅▋▆▇ ▋▉▋▊▍ ▆▊▄▍█ ▄█▌█▌▋▄▇▍▆▌.
5 Years Ago
updated trumpet and bass textures/models
5 Years Ago
▅▄▌▍ ▆▄▍▌█ ▅▆▉ ▉▄▄ ▋▋▆█▅ ▆▊▄▍▇
5 Years Ago
Better default keys layout Consolidate sheet logic Cleanup logs
5 Years Ago
Trying out a client input path for instruments
5 Years Ago
Hooked up new piano notes and drum notes Fixed multiple static instruments receiving input from the same player at the same time
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
tweaked trumpet textures adding WIP bass model/ textures/mat
5 Years Ago
updated trumpet model/textures
5 Years Ago
Adding WIP trumpet model/mat/textures
5 Years Ago
Quick piano & drum sounds
5 Years Ago
▄█▍ ▋ ▄▉▆▊▊ █▇▄▍▉█ ▇▍▅▍▅ ▌█▋▄▍▆▆▌ ▅▇▅▇▌▄▋ ▅▍ ▋▍▆▇█▄▇ ▅▅▋ ▅▄▊▊▋▅▅ █▉▋▍ ▋▌▆▇ █▇▇ ▍▅▌▌▇▇▆▅▋▌██▇, ▍▌█▅▋▉ ▊▇ ▆▋ ▉ ▅█▄ ▍▅▍▍▍▊▄ ▅▍▌▇▊▆█▊ ▇▇▍▄. █▍▌█▅/▉▍▊▍▊▇▆▊▍▇ ▆ .▍▋▌ ▉▋▆▋ ▌▉ ▌▅▇ ▆▊▍█ ▊▅ ▄▄▅ ▋▌▇▍▄▅▉ ▊▉▋ ▋▌▅
5 Years Ago
Hold instruments work better with key sequences
5 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to rapidly hit notes on hold compatible instruments, minimum note time is now used to fade out the note
5 Years Ago
Fixed being able to wield other items while playing a mountable instrument
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
▋▌▅▆▇▆▋▄▅▄▉ ▍▄█▉▆▊▇▌ ▇▊▊ ▊▅█▊▄▅▌ ▆▊ ▅▍▅▌ ▋▅ ▆▌▉▆▄▍▊▉▇ ▉ ▍▉█ ▋▄ ▅█▄▅▅, ▍▌▊▅▉▅▌▇ █ ▍▌▊ ▋▄▇▉▇▅▊▊▄▊▅▅ ▅▊█▉▉▍█▄▊▊ ▅█▅▇▊▌ ▅▇▄▇ ▋▇▋▇ ▇▉▋▇█▉▅▇ ▊▉ ▄▍▊ ▆▋▉█ ▌▄▅▍▍▇▄█▋█
5 Years Ago
Placeholder piano samples Reworked piano as a mountable prop
5 Years Ago
Hooked up new Tuba instrument
5 Years Ago
Added a new KeySequence class that stores a list of notes to play on a loop when the player left clicks
5 Years Ago
Hooked up trumpet notes Don't send rpc's if a note is null
5 Years Ago
Added console commands for playing notes eg. "instruments.playnote c#"
5 Years Ago
▌▍▊▉▉▇▆ ▌▆▉ ▋▆▉▊ ▍▆▊▌▉ ▆▍▄▌█▌▄, █▉▉█▅▍ ▉▍ ▄▍ ▆▆▋▉▊▉ (▊▋▅▌▊▉▍▌)
5 Years Ago
Fix note hold logic
5 Years Ago
Added RPCs on InstrumentTool to manage the key controller First pass on a static, mountable instrument
5 Years Ago
Rework keys input again Add dedicated keybinds for sharps (but leaving them unbound by default) Add/hook up sharp notes for guitar
5 Years Ago
Expose instrument bindings in options
5 Years Ago
Guitar and trumpet note samples and hookup
5 Years Ago
Unsaved changes
5 Years Ago
WIP key controller
5 Years Ago
New key bindings
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Hold note instruments now work properly with primary and secondary fires
5 Years Ago
Added support for assigning an array of notes to an instrument rather than one note pitch shifted
5 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect itemid on cowbell
5 Years Ago
Trying out some new types of playable instrument Includes: Cowbell, Tenor Drums, Trombone and Violin