
13 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

15 Days Ago
Hook up accessibility color options
15 Days Ago
Cleanup and fix debug spam
15 Days Ago
Hook up options menu
15 Days Ago
Hook up convars for configuring if arrows should show for deploy guide, on deployed entities or both - now a different convar for if it should show important ports or all ports
15 Days Ago
Fix ports & arrows not working with the deploy guide when the mesh is scaled - hard to spot because it worked on deployed entities but not with the deploy guide
15 Days Ago
Show the white cubes and arrows when deploying IO entities too
15 Days Ago
Configure a bunch more prefabs & configure important vs unimportant ports Fix water IO ports not working
15 Days Ago
High priority ports will show regardless of being marked as "main power"
15 Days Ago
Reposition industrial conveyor electrical ports so power in & out is on top & sensor outposts are on the bottom - did while marking direction of each port
15 Days Ago
Mark certain IO ports as higher priority, only show the important ports by default - main input, output & passthrough power considered important by default - `io_arrow_mode` convar to control behavior
16 Days Ago
DDraw arrows in & out of IO ports when looking with a wire tool
16 Days Ago
Show IO port direction as an arrow instead of a line in the editor gizmo
16 Days Ago
Configure a direction for every IO port for every deployable IO entity