174 Commits over 760 Days - 0.01cph!
FIxed build/client/server errors
Better selection of meshes to bake when a renderer has a mesh in each state (ie. permanently visible)
Cull some debris in gas station
Add a root HLOD to gas station and large oil for testing
Disable flare renderers if their intensity is at 0
Added an option to automatically assign a root HLOD to S2P, good for smaller monuments that can easily bake down into a single mesh (supermarket, gas station, warehouse, etc)
S2P now updates and bakes all child HLODs when building prefabs (for when we want to break a monument into multiple HLODs)
Fixed offset prefab causing offset baked proxy meshes
First pass on a HLODBounds component that grabs all renderers in it's bounds and creates a dedicated HLOD mesh
Added a Create Proxy Mesh button on the S2P component to quickly test what the baked down mesh looks like without runnig the full S2P
Added SceneToPrefabTag that can allow for forced inclusion/exclusion of renderes, as well as simplifying material arrays to exclude sub meshes
Only hide/show LOD components, not the full hierarchy (this will keep collisions intact)
Add graphics.StaticTileMonumentLod to toggle the new behaviour for performance comparison
Add LODMasterMesh component that enables a single mesh for a monument and disables all child renderers at a given distance
Leave the core monument untouched and bypass the ECS rendering/loading process
Fixed offset prefab causing offset baked proxy meshes
Hack around enough errors to get supermarket building static tile mesh
Optimized StaticGroup Transformation
Fixed reference not getting assigned in baker output.
Updated file loading routines.
Deleted a load of now unused utils etc. Some light refactoring.
StaticGroups can now be saved and read from bytes.
Fixed some baking issues + hooking into S2P
Refactored group manifest
Added some utils to locate renderers in monuments that have no LOD component attached.
Making sure that renderers are not enabled until the entire group is fully loaded in. Some benchmarking stuff...
Bug fixes and building tests
Benchmarking to test differences between legacy
Tidy up, deleted mess from culling experiments
Bugfixes with group load / unload
Fixed bug with group removal, built upon test to load / unload groups.
Setting up test to do async add / remove
Optimized group transform, group add
First version of async group loading
Testing a range of different culling methods (messy)
Trimmed down InstanceData, more tidying.
Deleted old code, renaming...
Bug fixes and refactored some of the conversion routines
Moved most of the group removal process into a job
Optimized group add routine
Testing out improved??? way of creating and storing group definitions