
174 Commits over 760 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
Update harbor_1 to include the hanging container in the HLOD Switching the graphics.hlod convar now immediately updates all LODs, bypassing the budgeted update (this was taking up to 30s to change the lods of every object in the world in proc gen, making comparisons difficult)
1 Year Ago
Run bandit town HLOD after merge
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
HLOD asset commit
1 Year Ago
Added tooltips to HLODBounds component Adjusted powerplant setting to properly cull underground geometry
1 Year Ago
Rename and simplify all HLOD convars
1 Year Ago
LOD changes now happen in a budgeted queue when entering/exiting a HLOD range Don't disable the HLOD mesh until all of the actual meshes are visible to reduce popping
1 Year Ago
SceneToPrefabs fixes Added graphics.staticTileDebug to verify the LOD changes at runtime
1 Year Ago
Readded some hlod settings
1 Year Ago
Fixed mesh trimmer causing corruption on meshes with UInt32 index format
1 Year Ago
Trainyard, water treatment
1 Year Ago
Better default HLODBounds settings SceneToPrefabTag now takes priority over the minimum height settings Setup satellite dish, dome, stables, sewer branch, swamp_c and trainyard
1 Year Ago
Warehouse, small oil rig, powerplant
1 Year Ago
Restore hlod prefabs to each monument that had them before the merge Remove default hlod options from SceneToPrefab component (better to just add child components) Added menu item to S2P all monuemnts with HLOD components
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Backup hlod settings from all monuments processed so far into separate prefabs
1 Year Ago
Fixed large_industrial_prop_c in military tunnels invalid LOD setup HLOD now ignores any renderers with the Nature/Cliff shader
1 Year Ago
Harbors, lighthouse, junkyard
1 Year Ago
More monument HLOD setups
1 Year Ago
Add an editor display to LODMasterMesh to show how far away the camera is
1 Year Ago
Update airfield, launch site and large oil with new settings
1 Year Ago
LODMasterMesh components now calculate distance to the main camera based on how far away the camera is from the edge of their bounds (calculating distance to a single point was problematic when some monuments are so big) Fixed some inconsistencies with bounds when grabbing renderers
1 Year Ago
Better default cutoff alpha Reowrk cutoff height, fixes multiple HLODS culling renderers outside of their bounds
1 Year Ago
Add graphics.staticTileShadow to control whether the HLOD meshes draw shadows
1 Year Ago
Improve visibilty cull check to take into account alpha on cutout meshes (if a raycast hits a surface that is alpha'd out, it continues until it hits a surface that isn't)
1 Year Ago
Fixed generated materials not getting alpha cutoff keywords correctly applied
1 Year Ago
Launch site changes
1 Year Ago
Add support for offsetting the mesh trimmer process
1 Year Ago
Fix some issues when using mutliple HLOD's on large monuments
1 Year Ago
Added a minimum triangle edge length to mesh trimmer options
1 Year Ago
SceneToPrefabTag now support specifying a non-final LOD index
1 Year Ago
Fix decal cull NRE when part of monument
1 Year Ago
Build fix
1 Year Ago
Add a minimum triangle size setting to MeshTrimmer, defaults to 0.1 Good for removing detail that won't be visible at long ranges, leaves some holes in geometry but it would be difficult to notice at a distance Removes 50% of the geometry on supermarket HLOD with very little visual change
1 Year Ago
Refactored mesh trim settings, adjusted height on gas station to properly remove interior faces
1 Year Ago
More build fixes
1 Year Ago
Build fix
1 Year Ago
Update HLOD system to call MeshTrimmer process as part of Scene2Prefab
1 Year Ago
Clean out any extra vertices, saves about 1000 verts/normals/etc
1 Year Ago
More progress, mesh trimmer now mostly removes triangles on lower lods that won't be visible (obscured by other triangles) Cuts about 2k triangles off LOD3 of supermarket HLOD with no visual difference
1 Year Ago
WIP on a tool to trim out LOD faces that likely won't be visible
1 Year Ago
Revert manifest and plugins to match main
1 Year Ago
Removed jobs renderer system Move UnwrapBaker to plugins, made it editor only Fixed MeshLods getting modified by HLOD before they can Init
1 Year Ago
Ensure LODS are removed from the culling system when under the control of a HLOD
1 Year Ago
Fixed MeshLOD components not getting properly disabled by HLOD
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
MeshCull components now get culled correctly when inside of a HLOD volume
1 Year Ago
Fix some cases of occludee shadows remaining enabled after HLOD has beocme active
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Update MonumentBenchmark with just the three testing monuments