
412 Commits over 304 Days - 0.06cph!

3 Years Ago
Can no longer record onto a cassette while it's playing
3 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to edit radio settings on held boom box while building blocked
3 Years Ago
Disco ball is now an IO entity and requires power to light up and spin
3 Years Ago
Fixed thrown cassette recorders not being deleted by entity.deleteby command
3 Years Ago
Can no longer gesture while on a ladder
3 Years Ago
Refactored laser light to use property blocks where possible
3 Years Ago
Colour new flare renderer on laser light
3 Years Ago
Can no longer throw cassette recorder while it's recording
3 Years Ago
Unique flare mat for the lasers too.
3 Years Ago
Wall laser uses its own mats exclusively, instead of sharing some with the weapon addons. Various texture optimizations. Laser destination point lights hover slightly above the surface for better shading. Tweaked laser colors for better consistency with other props.
3 Years Ago
Updated disco floor gradient names
3 Years Ago
Movement input, jumping and ducking will now cancel a looping gesture
3 Years Ago
Fixed sound light ambient light re-enabling incorrectly (LOD issue)
3 Years Ago
Can now insert cassettes into mailboxes
3 Years Ago
Added UI to explain how to finish recording a voicemail early Fixed voices not always recording in voicemail
3 Years Ago
Fixed mobile phone not properly ending calls/resetting state when the player dies or is incapacitated while making a call Fixed dial tone staying active if player dies mid call and they placed the call by entering numbers (not via the directory) Fixed voicemail messages continuing to play if deleted while playing
3 Years Ago
Fixed missing text in some languages on cassette recording UI
3 Years Ago
8 different gradient patterns for discofloor
3 Years Ago
Added support for 8 different selectable gradients for the disco floor (names in settings UI are temporary and will need to be changed once gradients are designed)
3 Years Ago
Texture optimizations Bunch of tiny tweaks on floor, ball and laser
3 Years Ago
Laser iteration WIP
3 Years Ago
Ball tweaks. Floor lighting setup remade. Cheaper, less leaky.
3 Years Ago
Parameters for refactored soundlight
3 Years Ago
Sound light changes: Exposed light intensity ranges (See LightIntensities on prefab) Added a second light slot and added secondary light colours to each colour profile
3 Years Ago
Removed a bunch of unnecessary components from the static connected speaker (cargo ship) Adjusted dismount positions of cargo ship pa
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Tweaked scaling of microphone stand, should be consistent with guide now
3 Years Ago
CraggyIsland back to 60777
3 Years Ago
Merge from ball
3 Years Ago
more area checks - boombox Fixed mismatched groundwatch and deploy layers
3 Years Ago
Fixed connected speakers not properly adjusting when internet streams are disabled while playing
3 Years Ago
Reduced final LOD range on deployed boom box
3 Years Ago
Fixed disco floors that are connected to regular power (not audio) not re activating when entering network range
3 Years Ago
Fixed disco floors updating incorrectly based on frame rate
3 Years Ago
Standardised IO output name to Audio Passthrough on Laser Light, Sound Light, Connected Speaker and Disco Floor
3 Years Ago
Can no longer hang disco balls from Deployed layer
3 Years Ago
▍▉▅▄▅▄▅▅▍ ▉▇▍▆▆▊█▅ ▊▌▉▅ ▊▅▊ ▉▆▄█ █▍▍▆ ▍▇▋▅ ▅▊▉▌ ▄▉▆▋▇ ▄▍▋▊ "▆▅▍▊▄/▋▇█▉" ▉▍ ▄▊▋ ▄▊▄▍▌█, █▇█▅▄ █▉ █▇▆█▆▆ ▋▆ ▋▍▊▍ ▊█▋▉▅▊▋ █▌▅▅▆▄ ▄▇▆ ▌▊▌▊▉▅▌
3 Years Ago
Compile fix
3 Years Ago
DLC app id
3 Years Ago
Added discofloor.largetiles.deployed prefab for testing
3 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect preloaded audio on cassettes
3 Years Ago
Update twist convar name
3 Years Ago
Update unlock settings on dance emotes
3 Years Ago
Added admin command player.gesture_radius to make all players in a radius gesture Supports multiple gestures eg. "player.gesture_radius 10 wave thumbsup"
3 Years Ago
Adjusting microphone stand building bounds and dismount position
3 Years Ago
Disable r/w on laser lights gibs
3 Years Ago
Added some point lights to the impact points of the lasers
3 Years Ago
Toned down origin light and flares on laser light
3 Years Ago
Can no longer change voice pitch on cargo ship PA Changed voice ranges, falloffs and volume for all voice broadcasting items (connected speakers, megaphones and microphone stands)
3 Years Ago
Reworked boom box lod setup