
6,819 Commits over 2,586 Days - 0.11cph!

7 Years Ago
Fix for mode specific value UI not reseting after a match
7 Years Ago
Fixed player profile button not being set to interactable on connection
7 Years Ago
more text mesh pro....
7 Years Ago
more text mesh pro switch
7 Years Ago
fix merge tooltip button error (I hope~)
7 Years Ago
replacing more text with text mesh pro
7 Years Ago
Repurposed tip text on menu for button hover tooltips. Tool tip texts
7 Years Ago
added highlighter to squad menu button
7 Years Ago
what's new change
7 Years Ago
tweak intro anim to avoid unit mouse over problem
7 Years Ago
Fix for squad bar buttons scaling after death on null selection
7 Years Ago
Removed click state from enemy unit bar buttons
7 Years Ago
replace text with text meshpro for the what's new panel, fix for the size lerp on the feature panels, color tweak
7 Years Ago
fix animation and alpha transition for low framerate
7 Years Ago
adding what's new screenshot
7 Years Ago
game mode icon stuff
7 Years Ago
Disabled wip trajectory display. Unit key text.
7 Years Ago
Whats New data file entry. Settings fix.
7 Years Ago
adding missing anim
7 Years Ago
adding number to unit health frame, wip game mode icon stuff, highlight new icon prefab etc...
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Unlocked all resolutions, updated jenkins file for 5.6.2f1
7 Years Ago
Clamp resolution setting value between 0 and currently available resolution count
7 Years Ago
update scolling bar background color in menu
7 Years Ago
Fixed bug with options resolutions being reversed correctly in UI but not for the game
7 Years Ago
commit to update
7 Years Ago
tweak option stuff
7 Years Ago
wip unit bar stuff
7 Years Ago
change WIP menu to look fine in stand alone version
7 Years Ago
adding some particle fx to the capture point
7 Years Ago
placeholder capture sound
7 Years Ago
Capture point remaining points display and correct value shown at match start
7 Years Ago
Capture point team updates Capture point view now caches materials at awake
7 Years Ago
forgot the anim
7 Years Ago
updating new capture point / texture/material/ curve text script etc
7 Years Ago
health bar dmg wip fixed NRE with the wip trajectory stuff to stop it spamming
7 Years Ago
scene fix
7 Years Ago
unit mini frame prefab links
7 Years Ago
updated mini unit frame
7 Years Ago
Grabber range back to 6
7 Years Ago
super buggy wip trajectory display
7 Years Ago
trajectory display tests
7 Years Ago
Unit bar button transition effects now manually controlled
7 Years Ago
Removed ClearSelectedUnit(), now call SetSelectedUnit(null) instead. Removed tile clearing from this and separated it. Unitbar selection stuff works mostly.
7 Years Ago
Unit selection stuff
7 Years Ago
Unit bar portraits now responsd to hover events. Input ignores unit hover events if there's a unit portrait hovered
7 Years Ago
Reduced slasher damage to 3 per unit, Grabber now uses it's attack def damage. Update attack descriptions for both units.
7 Years Ago
tweak mini unit frame hover speed and in range color
7 Years Ago
setup new mini unit frame with anim/texture etc
7 Years Ago
Units only register for entity updates if they're GameActivated Fix for recent squad editor errors