
6,819 Commits over 2,586 Days - 0.11cph!

8 Years Ago
more option stuff
8 Years Ago
more options wip
8 Years Ago
options wip
8 Years Ago
renamed dm7 map to control 1, changed it's default squad to include grabber
8 Years Ago
CmdSetTag now stores the tag delta change value in the tag when changing values Added floating capture point text to capture point tile topper, when capturing
8 Years Ago
Added Options.proto file and updated proto buf builder batch file
8 Years Ago
Unit input events (hover etc) are now disabled during the match outcome screen
8 Years Ago
MACapture now sets initial value of total points avaialble during it's init Removed the SetTag command from Capture definition that was fucking the firs round UIControlModeupdater now displays initial value
8 Years Ago
MatchModeUI can now have mode specific updaters Capture match action now caches tiles with capture points. Capture mode UI now updates with values (first round bugged)
8 Years Ago
MatchMode UI now pulls info from client match definition. Placeholder icons.
8 Years Ago
Added ClientMatchDefinitionSO for configuring client side game mode UI and info
8 Years Ago
AttackAreaLine can now be flagged to include up/down tiles but still check LOS Grabber can now attack across multiple levels, as long as it has LOS to target
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Set tile fall match action settings in Deathmatch definition
8 Years Ago
Units are now assigned a number key 1-8 in order of unit bar appearance that can be used to select the unit
8 Years Ago
Clicking a unit bar triggers the unit click event
8 Years Ago
tweak UI position/ canvas group stuff/ anim
8 Years Ago
setup button for unit healthbar
8 Years Ago
Function for getting unique list of supported resolutions, ordered highest first
8 Years Ago
map editor menu button is now set EDITOR ONLY added Options menu button added a modified copy of the player profile screen as a starting point for options screen
8 Years Ago
Renamed some ModeDisplay child objects (and their references in animation) Added UIMatchMode to ModeDisplay which gets called with the current game type UIMatchMode items are split into generic and mode specific values in code
8 Years Ago
Mode UI wip
8 Years Ago
ui doc
8 Years Ago
battle ui doc UIBattle now listens to game created event
8 Years Ago
added MatchType enum to gameinfo/protobuf/match definition
8 Years Ago
Removed accidental zombies mode. Version++
8 Years Ago
Test fix for team order Version++
8 Years Ago
tweak CP position
8 Years Ago
slanted unit hp bar
8 Years Ago
modified intro for the game mode display stuff
8 Years Ago
tweaked cp bar to be more flexible in case we need more or less than 3 cp setup background color for the unit health bar, added a small trim to be a bit more readable
8 Years Ago
Unit button stuff
8 Years Ago
Fixed unit health bars Local/opponent colours for unit bar
8 Years Ago
Merging with latest before fix
8 Years Ago
fixed cp order on player 2....for real
8 Years Ago
Unit bar blocks get grouped by unit type
8 Years Ago
Unit bar is now setup using Team info Unit bar portraits Unit bar health bars update Path highlighting NRE fix.
8 Years Ago
more wip unit bar
8 Years Ago
deleted old HealthBlock more wip new unit bar
8 Years Ago
merged rework branches to main
8 Years Ago
fixed merge issue fixed mirrored cp on player 2
8 Years Ago
WIP mode diplay stuff
8 Years Ago
new unit bars wip
8 Years Ago
updated player panel ui/ texture/prefab/animation added prefab for unit health bar
8 Years Ago
TileTopperView CapturePointTTView Tile toppers now register for tag changes with their tile entity Placeholder capture point TT animation for capture points tag change Moved some shit
8 Years Ago
board tile entities now get ids and are added to entity list the build is now built before InitEntities is called OnTagChange can now be overriden Control/capture mode victory condition now caches the tiles with control points at the start of the match so it only has to check those entities
8 Years Ago
more entity manager / events
8 Years Ago
more entity view stuff
8 Years Ago