2,200 Commits over 578 Days - 0.16cph!
- branched WIP reflection probe changes
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid tileset, adding outdoor industrial structure
FOR FUCK SAKE wip transition room
- Started Laser Link player ability
FOR FUCK SAKE prefab room, change reduce reflection probe belending to 100
FOR FUCK SAKE cleaning prefab room files
FOR FUCK SAKE room prefab moving transition room to asteroid tile set scene
- Set a propper cooldown on Barricade (15 secs atm)
- rough barricade ability test
- Outdoor/indoor lighting toggling now works with new room culling system again
- Refactored, optimised new room culling code
- WIP outdoor building proxy stuff
- More WIP level culling
- Disabled controller rumble in editor again
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid flow with mixed tileset
FOR FUCK SAKE material
FOR FUCK SAKE factory tile fix shadow leak
FOR FUCK SAKE change shadow distancefor shadow leaks
!A wip exterior panel
- Minimap works again with new room culling
- Branched and WIP new room culling
FOR FUCK SAKE tile set prefab
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FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab room, fix minimap mismatch (hopefully), fix beertap turret size
FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab room for shadow leak
FOR FUCK SAKE adding asteroid socket to the doorway enum socket list
- Timeslow shield layer changed to IgnoreRaycast so player aiming laser doesn't hit it
- Globally reduced the hit effect flash
- Abilities are no longer auto equipped if the player already has one equipped from the same category
- Death Row now has a reduced cooldown of 0.1s if you hit anything with it, upto a max of 3 shots in a row, before resetting to full cooldown
- Death Row is now less opaque when you miss to make it more obvious when you will have a reduced cooldown
- ability Use functions are now passed a reference to the ability button/cooldown that activated it
- Added controller rumble and sound effect to Death Row
- Death Row: Added placeholder impact effect and increased radius
- more deathrow. nearly there
- More reaper bro changes.
- EntityTracker changes. Can also now return nearest active enemy at a location, within a distance.
- More reaper bros
- AIFollowMovement component now copies the movement values of target properly
- Added functions to BaseMovement to get the current max accel/speed, taking into account any modifiers
- More Reaper Bros wip
- Reaper Bros experimenting
- BaseMovement can now be set to ignore collision
- Added an AI follow component that makes a BaseEntity follow a target and can copy it's BaseMovement behaviour
- LootDrop and LootTable components can now handle ability pickups.
- Added 2% chance for enemies to drop abilities and 5% for crates. (This is temporary, need to move to a more calculated distribution of ability drops, probably)
- Reworked pickup/collectable functionality to be more generic
- Ability pickups can now be... picked up
- Ability bar now auto reloads whenever a new skill is collected (can't manually swap/control it yet though)
- Set trigger colliders for rooms, lockins, turrets to IgnoreRaycast layer and removed a bunch of layers from the player aiming laser so it doesn't hit invisble stuff
- Removed blast radius from missiles and increased the max turn speed they can increase to from 8 to 11 (starting at 0.5, over 3 seconds)
- Started ability pickup. Added stuff to pick and spawn a random, not discovered ability as a pickup.
- Correctly set the missile blast radius on missiles so they explode whenever in range of player
- Now only start with speed boost ability
- Control clean basic cleanup
#ifdef'd out vibration function when in editor
- Added save game wipe tip to title
- Added an "available" list of abilities to AbilityList that tracks which abilities the player has found/unlocked for use this life
- Changed some ability IDs
- New lives start with max shields (3) instead of 2
- Reduced chance of laser room J spawning
- New prefabs as it keeps saying they're changed
- Updated InControl and made everything work again
- Fixed a new bug with abilities not doing the correct amount of damage when firing a projectile
- Fixed boomerang not doing damage
- Boomerang cooldown set to 7 seconds
- Time slow shield cooldown set to 7 seconds