8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!
Character input bust flag set correctly on server. Stops shop and possibly door spam errors.
Supressing warnings about missing ascii characters in TMP
Fixed issue where sleeping bag references were persisting on the client.
Removed shadow casting from all view models that had them.
Increased door health from 50 to 400
Adjust scroll view scroll sentisivity. "1" is super slow.
Edit wanted cooldown times again
Reduce wanted level cooldown time. If you evaded the cops, you evaded the cops. Well done. Waiting ages is boring.
Fix unit position calculation
Not all working, but setting up to show icons for multi-unit buildings
Show units owned by other users on the map. Not handling buildings with multiple units yet.
Give testmap_smaller a large lot
Fixed wheelie bin loot missing prefab.
Doors close after 60 seconds.
Fixed sleeping bag bug
More ui tweaks and fixes, changed background, changed hud elements
More ui tweaks, fixed backgrounds
UI tweaks. Supressing some errors.
changed windows to not look as shit on the lowest LOD
Adjusted shop item and some prices.
Increase NPC cash drops in Simple Sandbox
Removed game settings that don't do anything. Fixed VSync setting so it works.
Reduce default draw distance a bit since it's massive
Fixed NRE where player purchases building with multiple units.
Converted a few more icons
Merging in map, still not 100% but good enough for testing.
Supporting buildings icons again
Map scrolling working. Completely took the piss.
Block more bad interaction
Auto-skip respawn screen if there are no alternate options + modal blocker while we wait for server.
Merge character select screen change
Base functionality working
Don't show character select at all when there's only one option.
Waiting reason fix + extra edits
Character select no longer shows when there's only one option.
Moved UI content. Some fast-skip code.
MapObjects now rendering sort of correctly.