userAdam Wcancel

4,871 Commits over 2,068 Days - 0.10cph!

6 Years Ago
Sponsorships with EndOfMatch trigger type now get processed at the end of matches. Sponsorships tab now refreshes when the number of weeks remaining get modified or objectives get failed. Matches won sponsorship type now works.
6 Years Ago
order the in-match sponsor objectives list by weeks remaining (sponsorships expiring the soonest first)
6 Years Ago
Added unit or team icon to objectives (depending on objective type) Some sponsorship fixes/wording tweaks UI prefabs.
6 Years Ago
healing / killing blow sponsorship text tweaks.
6 Years Ago
merged sponsorship objective match-time stuff to main
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Obective UI prefab/code. Display sponsorship objective sumamries in matches. Update summary display on objective updates.
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Added objectives UI display toggle to GameMode definitions. Started setting up match-time sponsorship UI basics. Scene/UI prefabs.
6 Years Ago
Fix for healing sponsorship type.
6 Years Ago
Init match-time objectives. Update match-time objectives on CombatChainFinished. Slight change to MissionProcessors to retrieve processors.
6 Years Ago
some changes to MissionProcessors to be more easily usable by sponsorship objectives
6 Years Ago
deleted a bunch of old objectives stuff, started hooking up events for match-time sponsorship stuff
6 Years Ago
Added AdvanceWeek to CareerSponsorshops which ticks each week, reducing remaining weeks on any active sponsorships, failing + dropping any expired sponsorships, creates news items for failed sponsorship objectives.
6 Years Ago
SponsorsView prefab tweak, UISponsors tweaks
6 Years Ago
merge WIP sponsorship stuff to main
6 Years Ago
merge from main to the right branch
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
weeks remaining fix. healing done text tweak. matches won min duration set to 2 weeks.
6 Years Ago
disable UI camera instead of individual elements
6 Years Ago
added healing, killing blow, matches won, multikill sponsorship definitions
6 Years Ago
added some sponsor logos, set logo, set colour
6 Years Ago
Only generate sponsorship offers form sponsors who don't already sponsor you. Sponsorship DB tool also asigns random colours to sponsors during build. Added Sponsorship.GetOfferDescription() and Sponsorship.GetProgressDescription(). Set sponsorship slot line colour based on sponsor def.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
text tweaks
6 Years Ago
merge main to release so Steam build can connect again
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Added weeks remaining to sponsorship/protobuf. Starting populating the sponsorship slot UI with real info.
6 Years Ago
Added a GenerateSponsorshipOffers career action, added it to the pre match events so new offers are generated each week. Added number of offers available to blank slots. Added offers generated event, sponsors tab listens to it, refreshes view if active tab. Some fixes.
6 Years Ago
Can now accept sponsorship offers. Generate sponsorship signing bonus cash transaction. Generate sponsorship signing news item. Added offers test data to new career saves.
6 Years Ago
offer clicked action
6 Years Ago
Modal sponsors view/prefab/setup. Clicking a blank sponsorship slot in the base view pushes a new sponsors view to select a sponsor from available ones.
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Create slots for blank sponsorship deals, show blank appearance. Added clicked action callback to sponsorship slot panels. Deleted old UIChooseSponsor
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
UISponsors uses UICacheList, crates slot instances
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
reworking UI slot stuff
6 Years Ago
added signing bonus stuff to Sponsorship, SponsorshipValueParams + serialization. generat signing bonus at sponsorship creation.
6 Years Ago
initial scene/ui setup
6 Years Ago
merge from main before scene/ui work
6 Years Ago
create test data with new save. add/accept offer functions.
6 Years Ago
added CareerSponsorships to Career, holding active and offered sponsorships. serialization of sponsorship data to career saves. more sponsorship protobufs. removed more old sponsorship code.
6 Years Ago
Data fix
6 Years Ago
basic Sponsorship.Generate functionality
6 Years Ago
Sponsorship database, sponsor DB tool.
6 Years Ago
Added Sponsorship, Sponsorships, SponsorshipOffers definitions to career protobufs. Sponsorship data class + serialization.
6 Years Ago
Bunch more wip sponsorship stuff
6 Years Ago
Removed existing season sponsor stuff from career mode. WIP new career sponsosrship objectives system.