userAdam Wcancel

11,778 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.13cph!

9 Years Ago
- Patcher Glue impact sound
9 Years Ago
- More audio work
9 Years Ago
- Re-enabled volume and added new placeholder weapon sound effect. Gotta replace old placeholders for other stuff.
9 Years Ago
- Added cash to LootContainer's loot table with 100% drop chance
9 Years Ago
- Added a welcome screen showing basic controls and new/changed stuff since the last update. Displays the first time the town is loaded in a session. - Fixed a save bug - Fixed NRE when trying to open minimap when gameplay UI is hidden -
9 Years Ago
- Cam now also pans towards center of enemies again, whilst also zooming. Still WIP, it's too fast and snappy
9 Years Ago
- WIP camera zooming test
9 Years Ago
- Added cash to enemy loot tables - You can now collect cash! - Cash value pulses when you collect cash - Game saves whenever the game closes
9 Years Ago
- Fixed bug with save file not being properly wiped on gameover
9 Years Ago
- Cash display tweak in gameplay UI - Added a punch scale to player cash display when trying to purchase an upgrade you can't afford
9 Years Ago
- Added an outline to some shop UI text
9 Years Ago
- Added back/purchase buttons to shop UI - Purchase button fades out when current upgrade is fully upgraded or you're too skint to buy it
9 Years Ago
- FIxed text overlapping for shop items with long descriptions - Added a Powerups chance upgrade to upgrades XML (effect not implemented)
9 Years Ago
- Added a button to title screen to wipe save data incase of bugs
9 Years Ago
- Can now quit to menu from game. Game saves on quit. Shouldn't be able to save between missions eventually, but for now... - Can now quit to desktop from title
9 Years Ago
- Added correct scenes to build list
9 Years Ago
- Title screen text changed to SPACE RUNTS instead of SPACE CUNTS
9 Years Ago
- Added a UIManager and moved screens over to that - Gameplay screens are now automatically hidden/shown as other UI screens are displayed - Player control is now disabled when in a fullscreen UI screen - Lots of UI code changes - Gameplay UI now has a working cash display - Town portal now auto loads the current pipes dungeon test (Area1_TileSet) until I get the real mission/level loading working again with the new DunGen setup
9 Years Ago
- UI
9 Years Ago
- Shop upgrades now actually cost the player the cash values - Pressing Y in the shop when UNITY_EDITOR awards 5000 cash to player for testing
9 Years Ago
- Shop UI player cash value is now hooked up to PlayerData
9 Years Ago
- Shop UI for upgrade levels - Upgrade levels can be purchased (not linked to stats etc yet)
9 Years Ago
- Can now cycle through shop items with left-stick left/right
9 Years Ago
- Shop item panels now outline/scale when selected - Shop items can be navigated (keyboard only atm)
9 Years Ago
- Changed mission portal text
9 Years Ago
- Refactored town interactable stuff - Cleaned up town scene hierachy - Shop and mission portal now use new interaction stuff - More shop UI work - Deleted a bunch of now unused town scripts
9 Years Ago
- Shop UI disabled correctly at startup
9 Years Ago
- Upgrade XML
9 Years Ago
- More upgrades/shop + UI
9 Years Ago
- More shop
9 Years Ago
- Shop UI WIP - Upgrade work - Folder tidy
9 Years Ago
- Mouse cursor is no longer hidden in editor
9 Years Ago
- WIP shop
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
and lots more
9 Years Ago
- More
9 Years Ago
- Part 2
9 Years Ago
- Part 1 of refactoring skill definition/point XML definitions to be more generic so it can be used for shop/upgrades and anything else
9 Years Ago
- BaseMovement now has inspector value for floor check range. Defaults to 500 instead of 100
9 Years Ago
BaseMovement now has public value for how high to fly above any floor colliders
9 Years Ago
- Large view of minimap is now zoomed further out
9 Years Ago
- Added current cash value display to gameplay UI - Removed old gameplay UI prefab
9 Years Ago
- Added Cash value to PlayerData
9 Years Ago
- Minimap and map rotation now matches the main camera's current rotation
9 Years Ago
- Camera fixes
9 Years Ago
- Camera changes
9 Years Ago
- Disabled move direction lookahead until it's better
9 Years Ago
- Purged camera and all related
9 Years Ago
- Added Dungen from Asset store. @ezmeow
9 Years Ago
- Area variant spawning tool now sets the Fill prefabs as the first child to make them easier to find