userAdam Wcancel

100 Commits over 151 Days - 0.03cph!

2 Days Ago
Range checks, wip
2 Days Ago
Reduced snake health
2 Days Ago
Venom icon settings
5 Days Ago
Merge from jungle_update
5 Days Ago
Merge from corpse
5 Days Ago
Slightly increase snake slow duration
6 Days Ago
Merge from jungle_update
6 Days Ago
Force snake back into alert anim when reappearing. Restore rotation. Fix some warnings from trying to play anims on disabled GO.
6 Days Ago
Zero exit time for idle->alert. Detect being enabled again after reposition.
6 Days Ago
Add client events for disappear/reappear. Play (placeholder) rustling sounds when disappearing and reappearing during location change, to make it easier to track the snake. Increase player movement speed reduction to 70% (but still much shorter duration)
6 Days Ago
Setup player speed modifier limits. Fix some wip modifier limit code.
6 Days Ago
Add new NegativeEffects modifier source type. Add separate vitals display panel for active negative effects. Set snake modifier source to NegativeEffects, shows in new panel instead of dart modifiers. Reduce snake reposition transition time.
6 Days Ago
Massively reduce snake bit slow duration.
7 Days Ago
Merge from jungle_update
7 Days Ago
Switch the blue material
10 Days Ago
Added ping leeway to GetReactionTime calculation
10 Days Ago
Temporarily throw some venom (bread) to the ground on snake death, until corpse/ragdoll is setup.
10 Days Ago
Snake corpse. Spawn corpse.
10 Days Ago
Added placeholder snake venom item
10 Days Ago
Remove some debug spam
10 Days Ago
Reaction time and chance to reposition tweaks
10 Days Ago
Merge from jungle_update
10 Days Ago
Move some code
10 Days Ago
Move interface from placeholder location to new file IReceivePlayerTickListener
10 Days Ago
Merge from jungle_update
13 Days Ago
Merge from jungle_update
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
Merge from snakes/mfju (merging from jungle update fix branch)
15 Days Ago
Merge from mfm (updating branch from main and fixing merge stuff)
22 Days Ago
Compile fix
48 Days Ago
Don't start attacks or hazzards when dead
48 Days Ago
Zero the Y when calculating look forward
48 Days Ago
Added a cooldown timer for the main triggered attack, use regular attack when on cooldown.
48 Days Ago
Setup hiss anim state, trigger it.
48 Days Ago
Add a regular attack, starts after the initial hazard trigger attack and continues while a player is in range.
48 Days Ago
Attack (placeholder) sound and events.
48 Days Ago
Better LOD settings
48 Days Ago
Trying out some UI to show event has triggered and reaction time. Warning hissing. Increase turn speed.
48 Days Ago
Audio. Alert tick interval.
49 Days Ago
Actually assign the hit anim...
49 Days Ago
Setup snake hit state and triggers. Added client hurt rpc.
49 Days Ago
Setup extra anim state between alert and idle. Animitor tweaks.
49 Days Ago
Snappier death anim transition. Don't continue turning to face player when we're dead.
49 Days Ago
Delay removing snake when it dies. Play death anim. Setup death anim state.
49 Days Ago
Increase health, remove more debug.
49 Days Ago
Snakes will keep re-attacking on a timer if a player stays in range after triggering the QTE the first time. Removed log spam.
50 Days Ago
Pivot, increase turn speed.
50 Days Ago
Reset alert state when no players nearby, snake returns to idle visually.