45 Commits over 92 Days - 0.02cph!
Fix onkilled/ondied after merge
Setup population convar and fix error.
Increase snake trigger radius.
Added snake spawn population.
Updated world spawns.
Move snake files.
Increase client side trigger radius so snakes turn towards players earlier
Merge from main, resolve conflicts.
Tweak timers and distances
Re-appear delay, convars.
Wildlife hazards can now also inflict basic damage when a hazard is failed.
Setup snake bite damage.
Snakes now slowly turn to face in-range players.
Client-only visual triggers, notifications and optimisations.
Trigger fixes.
Remove log spam.
Client trigger, art root setup.
Initial basic facing nearest player logic.
Snakes can now reposition after striking.
Added variables and convars for reposition chance, min/max radius and multipliers.
Play particle effect when repositioning.
Hook up placeholder effect.
wip repositioning and convar
Added IReceivePlayerTickListener.
Forward received player ticks to any listeners.
WildLifeHazards can define the button press for avoiding the hazard.
WildiLifeHazards receive the player tick and check for valid input.
Can now succesfully avoid hazards.
WildlifeHazard can now play a sound on trigger.
Hook up placeholder hissing sound for Snake wildlife hazard.
Added SavingReactionTime to WildlifeHazard entities, along with a ReactionTimeMultiplayer server convar.
Hazard effects are now triggered using this delay.
Remove QTE specific gameplay code.
Rename functions.
Rename and refactor QTEEntity/SnakeQTEntity to WildlifeHazard/SnakeHazard.
Rename entity prefabs.
Delete QTE folders and restructure.
Delete QTE related UI prefabs and code.
Delete QTE related gesture setup.
Show incorrect presses in red
Incorrect key presses now reduce remaining time.
QTE will now fail when running out of time.
QTE timer loss is now configured on QTE entity.
Repair UI and gesturecollection prefabs after merge
QteEntity, QteSnake and TriggerQTE basics.
Added snake model to entity
Initial files/prefab/folders