userAdam Woolridgecancel

1,632 Commits over 578 Days - 0.12cph!

8 Years Ago
- Ammo use changes for starter blaster + cocktail launcher
8 Years Ago
- Max ammo values are now capped by ammo type - Added ammo cap modifier/item stats
8 Years Ago
- Refactored that last commit and removed some debug text
8 Years Ago
- ItemDatabase.GetRandomWeapon() can now take list of weapons to exclude - Currently equipped weapons are now excluded from loot drops
8 Years Ago
- Cocktail blasts now hurt the player (again) - Patcher anim stuff
8 Years Ago
- Increased bolt size
8 Years Ago
- Merge
8 Years Ago
- more
8 Years Ago
- Merge from main
8 Years Ago
- More testing
8 Years Ago
- Cocktail launcher changes
8 Years Ago
- Fix
8 Years Ago
- More
8 Years Ago
- Audio latency settings test
8 Years Ago
- Enemy bomb sound
8 Years Ago
- Missed one
8 Years Ago
- Changed some gamepad binds
8 Years Ago
- Increased volume of loosecannon / plasma
8 Years Ago
- Gamepad fix
8 Years Ago
- More
8 Years Ago
- Tap to fire experimenting
8 Years Ago
- Changed EnemyBomb to have Start and End scale multipliers
8 Years Ago
- Bomb scales in
8 Years Ago
- Added EnemyBomb script to adjust bomb glow layer and flash it increasingly fast
8 Years Ago
- Reduced camera shake for real this time
8 Years Ago
- New enemy ability: Revenge - Increased size of enemy ability name text
8 Years Ago
- Patcher movement changes
8 Years Ago
- Patcher fire cooldown reduced - Camera shake reduced some more for enemy explosions
8 Years Ago
- Increased speed of Spikeys
8 Years Ago
- Blah
8 Years Ago
- More level pruning
8 Years Ago
- More xp stuff
8 Years Ago
- Steam leaderboards stuff
8 Years Ago
- Levelup screen can now handle multiple level ups in a row
8 Years Ago
- Player model rotates depending on item selected
8 Years Ago
- Item description text change
8 Years Ago
- Added a new placeholder plug B prefab, slightly larder and diff colour
8 Years Ago
- Added new plug item: Plug of Renewal. 20% chance to renew a shield block each time you clear a room - Added a plug starter item and added plug to slots - Some equipment bug fixes
8 Years Ago
- Items are now equipped from reward screen - Hovering over a reward now shows how the item looks on player preview model - Reworked the way starter items are equipped
8 Years Ago
- Equipment fixes
8 Years Ago
- More reward stuff
8 Years Ago
- Item selection screen now compares current item against any existing item
8 Years Ago
- Reduced chance and duration of spikeys stopping
8 Years Ago
- Removed debug define
8 Years Ago
- More item reward screen stuff
8 Years Ago
- Fixed projectile impact not triggering on enemies - WIP reward item selection - ItemDatabase can now return a random, non-weapon item
8 Years Ago
- BaseMovement can now be set to not rotate towards movement direction - Disabled it for Spikeys to fix rotation glitch
8 Years Ago
- BaseMovement now takes the object's radius into account
8 Years Ago
- Renamed scene and references - Added a booster item
8 Years Ago
- Items can now spawn gameplay items that get attached to the player and removed with item