1,216 Commits over 3,773 Days - 0.01cph!
use a default value for wave attenuation if WaterSystem.Instance is null
NRE fix
reapply changes reverted in
update tugboat PhysicsSounds ignored layers
tugboat sounds (WIP but mostly there)
new upgrade sounds are quieter and voice limited more strictly to prevent overlap
use old upgrade sounds when creation effects are disabled
merge from main/ping-sounds
more aggressive flyby sounds
merge from main/footsteps_without_groundinfo
play generic footstep sounds when GetGroundInfo doesn't return any results (fixes footsteps sometimes not playing when walking on narrow things like the NMS fence and possibly along the edge of raised objects)
exterior building reverb zones
remove music zones (fixes candy cave music playing inside the silo)
particle emission sounds for water drips and electric sparks
nuclear missile silo sounds
nuclear missile silo ambience and reverb zones
Drone sound updates
New computer station deploy sound
drone sound tweaks and additions
soften industrial conveyor sounds a bunch
Tighten up AudioImportAnalyzer thresholds for ogg/streaming/etc
Update AudioClip import settings using new AudioImportAnalyzer settings
music import setting tweaks
NPCs can specify separate SoundDefinitions to use for idle footsteps
NPC idle foosteps are occludable
Set up horse idle footsteps
Set up inventory handling sounds on industrial items
Fix industrial deployable sounds not receiving occlusion
industrial deployable deploy sounds
Sounds for industrial crafter, industrial conveyor, electric furnace, and pipe tool
fix snowball gun inventory handling sounds
reapply present drop open/close sounds
candy cave entrance ambience
fix reverb in candy cave entrance
candy cave and present drop open/close sounds
missing changes from xmas music commit
candy cave ambience & reverb settings
gingerbread footsteps, impacts, and crumble sounds
toggle sounds for flashlight and laser attachments
Fix trumpet b3 start pitch being off by 1 semitone
glock 3p reload sound fix