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volume & voice limiting tweaks for inventory UI sounds
lumberjack/concrete tool attack & impact sounds
prototype 17 gunshot sound
updated inventory item handling sounds
vent door open/close sounds (small radius)
merge from main/sound-misc-aug2022
fix discontinuity at start of reactive target bullseye sound
add default armor break sound
modular car lift destroy sound
recycler open/close sounds
static monument lift sounds
update reactive target raise/lower sounds and trigger them from anim events
nailgun attack is quieter
distant gunshots are more muffled and reverberant
nailgun plays correct 3p reload sounds
fix underwater state not updating correctly in MixerSnapshotManager
fix bradley engine sounds not revving until tread animator is in range
locomotive engine & movement sounds
gunshot crossfade distance tweaks
molotov cocktail fireball burn sound
Molotov cocktail viewmodel sounds
Flashbang sounds and deafening
Unloadable start/end sounds
Fuel wagon hatch sounds
remaining new gunshots incl. silenced shots
updated local player impact sound
new gunshots for AK, semi pistol, semi rifle, m92, mp5, custom smg, and lr300
HMLMG sound import settings, muzzlebreak attack effect, and 3p reload sounds
train couple/decouple sounds
train wagon movement sounds
fix occasional invalid seek position error during music playback
sustained spraycan spray sounds
updated import settings for new music clips
merge from main/moremusic
no doppler on deployed voiceprops audiosources