7,471 Commits over 2,679 Days - 0.12cph!
Reduced horse spawns
Small amount of boats now spawn procedurally again
Place holder values just to get Staging wipe ready
Stables safe zone
Stables music - temp if we decide to use it
Improved road connection
Removed horse shoe and horse armour sales from compound - now sold at stables
Reduced cost of HQM horse shoe
Telephone can be researched + crafting costs
fixed phone deployed mismatched layer checks, missing inside check, notinwater check and tweaked deploy volumes
restore accidently committed ProjectSettings
Fixed mismatched ground watch and socket layer checks on jackolantern
merge from halloween_2020_removal (network++)
fixed oversized Rust menu logo
Restore MenuUI and MenuVideos
Lit torch now lasts the full duration of the night
Ensure skull is dropped when skull trophy is destroyed (was 0.75)
Fixed skull Trophy mismatch ground watch and socket mod layers (fixes sometimes breaking when building nearby)
Added terrain checks to Stables A and B - always spawns in temperate biome
Stables no longer roadside due to needing a safezone
Setup Stables road and trail routes
increased prevent build volume
Stables only spawn in T0 and T1
Reduced count to 1
merge from car_cost_balance
Reduced updated vehicle_parts collider
Lowered scrap cost of vehicle parts from vendors - sellorders
slightly lowered taxi vehicle module crafting cost
55647 55648
Reduced car lift crafting cost
Reduced power requirement
Engine components no longer require HQM to craft
Tier3 engine components are now researchable and craftable
updated vehicle_parts model so it's visually differs from Tool Box which is confusing
Reduced crafting cost of all car modules
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merge from Halloween_2020_Patch
merge from Halloween_2020_Patch
merge from Halloween_2020_Patch
▄▊▍▅▇ ▌▉▍▅ ▄█▆▍▋▌▋▋▋_▄▄▅█_▆▆▉▄▆
merge from Halloween_2020_Patch
overcast chance 0 due to visual concerns - needs further testing
55571 55572
Ghost sheet no longer user craftable
Added Ghost sheet to Halloween loot table
merge from Halloween_2020_Patch
Ghost sheet icon, crafting cost, protection setup
merge from /Halloween_2020_Patch