7,470 Commits over 2,679 Days - 0.12cph!
Fixed airdrop not working
menu videos xmas rotation update
Updated burlap sack to Tom's Xmas sack
resolved some ice throne mounting issues
Updated ice throne chair WM
77528 - zipline dismount improvements
touching xmasdungeon.population
77572 Xmas merge
77572 for now due to server and client startup errors
▉▉▄▊▇▍▅▍▆▌▌▍▍ █▅█▉▌ - ▉▄▋▅▍▉▇▊█▇▊▄▅▍▌▇▆▅▌▅▄▌_▅▆▄ ▉█▅▋▆ ▋▋▌▇▇▆▋ ▇▊▉
▉▄█▍▆ ▍█▆▉ ▍▄▇▊▋█▅▍▄▉▄▄▌▅▋█▆▄▉▄▊▅_▋▆▉
▇██▆▆ ▇▄▍█ ▇▍▅▋▍▆▍▋▋▉▄_▆▆▋▋▆▊▄
▊▋▅▇▆ ▉▄█▇ ▄▇▄▉▆▍▇▍▅▇▉_▄▄▆▊▇▌▇
Merge from xmas_2022 - Season's Beatings!
S2P fishing village, compound, banditcamp
Fixed snow_machine_static exception
Enabled xmas event
Icewalls craftable and default BP
xmas tree craftable and default BP
advent calendar craftable and default BP
Updated airdrop to Santa
▋▍▋▍▌ ▋▍▋▇ ▇▄▅▇ - ▊▉▋▌▄█▍ ▅▆█▍▄
▇▍▅▅▇ ▍▊▆▇ ▆▌▅▅▇▌▅▉▊▇▄_▊▆▉▊▄▍▌/▆▌▄▇▍_▅▍█▉█▅▊▆_▅▊██▅▅▍▅▉