7,470 Commits over 2,679 Days - 0.12cph!
slightly enlarged the market terminal search icon
merge from save230 - Staging wipe
Disable scarecrowpopulation
merge from attachment_item_move
merge from turret_flashlight_fix
▄▇▋▋█▍▄ ▅▅▊▆▋▋▅▅▌▅▆▆▋_█▌▇_▍▉▆▇▅
▍▉▉█▋▊ ▇▅██ ▌▄▊▄▍▅▊▉ - ▄█▊▇▇▌▍▇ ▅█▅▋ ▅█▆▇▅▊▇▆, ▄▅▄▊▅ ▇▌▊▆▉█▆
Fixed softcore respawning inside compound reclaim
Disable event halloween.cs
Merge from halloween2022/nuclear - part Halloween disable
merge from navmesh_stall_fix
75856 navmesh_stall_fix due to causing a navmesh stall during startup
merge from navmesh_stall_fix
merge from item_move_fixes
merge from /player_movement_rpc
merge from halloween2022/fixes
merge from electricity_splitter_update_fix
merge from connected_time_fix
merge from halloween2022/fixes
fixed issue with baseball bat
- wrong shader & wrong shader settings.
.mat file mustn't have been committed originally
Fixed Franks typos, torso and legs are now correct
▊▊▄█▉ ▆▌▆▇ ▊▇▇▊▆ ▇▇▍▊▇▋▉▉▊_▅▆▊▋▋▌▌▆▌█▄█_▉▊█
Fixed cursed cauldron triggers using incorrect layers, causing players to be unable to build nearby
merge from scarecrow_deathinfo
Subtracting Halloween2022 -
75703 p1 Halloween sound subtract
merge from npc_clothing_fix3
Frankenstein Table table and craft disable
Halloween.cs npc and event disable
Disable Halloween event (event file)
full manifest rebuild - build times
subtracting npc_ragdoll_clothing_fix - Fixes NPC attire dropping in loot bag