7,361 Commits over 2,649 Days - 0.12cph!
Final phrases and codegen checks
Produce Exchange sell order changes (cloth and corn)
rad resist tea recipe changes
Fixed recipe menu not displaying chinese, arabic and other languages
Barricade cover deployable purchasable at Compound
Fixed mixing table costing 500scrap to research
Explosive tea recipe changes
Fixed Holmzy's barrel problem
Mixing table Gun powder and low grade recipe
Above ground pool now has more health
Barricade cover spawn changes
moved Easter menu video back into archive
Mixing table crafting cost changes
fixed layering issues on the mixing table causing ground watch to fail
Reduced bone arrow thickness
Fixed getting dismounted while flying low over AirWolf on HapisIsland
Fixed supply drop flying away after getting hit by projectiles
merge from /main/stairs_upkeep_fix
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menu background video update
fixed cave small easy missing culling volumes
T1 vehicle parts crate now spawns two vehicle components
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Updated blue berry desc token so it longer shares black