userBill Bcancel

1,079 Commits over 1,095 Days - 0.04cph!

5 Years Ago
Fixed PCUserStats
5 Years Ago
Force balanced team selection in Team Deathmatch
5 Years Ago
Fixed double connection events on server, plus added a failsafe check to prevent any issues in the future
5 Years Ago
Simpler system for assign PlayerComponents on game modes
5 Years Ago
Fixed doors not being damageable; interactors can now also be hittables again.
5 Years Ago
Fixed doors not being damageable; interactors can now also be hittables again. Disabled trigger colliders being returned from hit checks globally - things that need it are already setting QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide.
5 Years Ago
Fixed criminal wanted level not clearing properly on the client due to a serialization error.
5 Years Ago
Clear crimes and prison sentences when game rounds end
5 Years Ago
Fixed the double spawning of vehicles in new rounds
5 Years Ago
Fixed issues with character initial belt slot selection (fixed bot double weapon selection bug)
5 Years Ago
Lazy bots now get ready properly for new rounds
5 Years Ago
Fix the bunch of Destroy errors that came up when quitting in the editor if bots were in vehicles
5 Years Ago
Not much to put in PCZGameUser either but I've updated ZGameCircle to use it. Probably some more stuff could be moved into it if we wanted to (like the ZGameCircle damage over time maybe).
5 Years Ago
Team deathmatch doesn't need anything in PCTeamDeathmatchUser. Conversion complete.
5 Years Ago
Fixed some issues with Whacky Races checkpoints.
5 Years Ago
Fixed a bunch of static events in the project (mostly mine) that should have been client/server split to avoid double-ups on listen server
5 Years Ago
Fix #if flags
5 Years Ago
Must be tired today... fix double connection/disconnection events properly
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Remove a couple of old prints
5 Years Ago
Split up connection/disconnection events into client/server, so they no longer call subscribers twice on listen servers.
5 Years Ago
Remove unused file, update NE cache
5 Years Ago
New PCCheckpointUser for Whacky Races. Don't need PCWhackyRacesUser as only checkpoints are needed and they're general enough to be used in other games modes as well. I still need to test and fix up all this properly on Monday.
5 Years Ago
King Of The Hill has nothing that needs a custom PlayerComponent
5 Years Ago
Merge in building ownership branch.
5 Years Ago
Have Wacky Races checkpoint gen skip shops since you can't always get upstairs
5 Years Ago
Fix shop heights so that the selling areas don't jut through to the next floor
5 Years Ago
Converting prefab stuff to the new system. BuildingObjectDefinition updated and tested.
5 Years Ago
Converting prefab stuff to the new system. Updated SceneSaveHook. Untested as this is unused in the project.
5 Years Ago
Converting prefab stuff to the new system. FindMissingScripts and CheckpointLocationMarker updated and tested.
5 Years Ago
Fixed a bug where winners in a checkpoint-based end trigger would get merged together if they had the same username
5 Years Ago
Sync allies to clients, apparently I forgot to do this
5 Years Ago
Restored assignments on the Whacky Races prefab that were lost in the merge.
5 Years Ago
Fix unassigned prefab in game mode
5 Years Ago
Criminal null check
5 Years Ago
Unity known issue in the new 2018.3 update was causing hundreds of additional "field not assigned" warnings on private [SerializeField] vars that were assigned in the inspector. Unity has helpfully closed the bug as By Design. Adding a flag to ignore all field not assigned warnings in the project for now.
5 Years Ago
Removed global PCCriminal add, put it only in game modes where it's needed, check usages. Can't fully test until
5 Years Ago
PCGangMember is no longer universal. Made sure it's not assumed to exist anywhere where it may not.
5 Years Ago
Remove my start at putting Character Selection into a PlayerComponent. Decided not to move this after working on it a bit more. I think it's actually better off stay in game modes as they can check character selections for validity before they're allowed.
5 Years Ago
Give the NetworkUser a proper serializable struct
5 Years Ago
Fixed issues with connection/disconnection events and NetworkUser serialization (which was actually only happening on initial spawn). Also started work on some character selection stuff, but not much there yet.
5 Years Ago
Unity Editor told me 999+ times that our mcs.rsp define file should be called csc.rsp now.
5 Years Ago
Don't need 4x4 grid anymore either. Bill F brought the _TESTING folder back in the merge but missed bringing the .meta back I think. Here it is also.
5 Years Ago
Don't need this folder
6 Years Ago
Fix double PlayerComponent Init call (AddComponent calls it already)
6 Years Ago
Fix build errors
6 Years Ago
Merge IPlayer branch into Main. It's not finished, but it'll run.
6 Years Ago
Revert my PlayerTick change since it won't work with unreliable sends
6 Years Ago
Fix comments + update entity cache
6 Years Ago
Forgot to remove a temp line