userBill Bcancel

4,370 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.14cph!

5 Years Ago
WIP gangs
5 Years Ago
Fixing up gang stuff
5 Years Ago
Working on modifying Gang HQ and player gang stuff to be separate from the newcoming non-player gang stuff
5 Years Ago
Gang-specific payphones now spawn per gang building
5 Years Ago
Remove unused var
5 Years Ago
Increase refresh dist
5 Years Ago
Fixed payphone highlight bug
5 Years Ago
Fixed gang building payphone positioning bug
5 Years Ago
Fix gang HQ stuff init order being backwards, causing NetworkEntity linking issues on client
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Unrelated to missions: Fix awkward power line basing placement
5 Years Ago
More payphone stuff. Gang building payphones now actually spawn.
5 Years Ago
Adding payphone location markers to gang buildings + fixing old bugs
5 Years Ago
Added wall payphone building prop for gang buildings to use
5 Years Ago
Highlight payphones if new missions becomes available
5 Years Ago
Better UI info for mission tasks and prereqs
5 Years Ago
Fix/improve task/prerequisite stuff
5 Years Ago
Missions and payphones now fully working again, with all the new systems
5 Years Ago
Remove debug stuff
5 Years Ago
Merge in the latest
5 Years Ago
- Changed mission definition Unique ID and Phone Number to be the same thing, with the phone number pre-generated as a constant thing. Refactored PhoneNumberManager. - Got all mission list UI working again.
5 Years Ago
Working on payphones/payphone UI
5 Years Ago
- New unique ID system for Character Type and Mission Definition. - Moved character type def stuff out of Bootstrap. - Got rid of the mission VariableParams thing. - PCMissionUser syncs data to owner client: Owner client and server can now both check mission prerequisites. - Big update to how payphones work; this is still WIP. - Network++.
5 Years Ago
Add completed missions to the list
5 Years Ago
Moved IMissionUser content out of the PlayableCharacter itself and into the new PCMissionUser
5 Years Ago
Mission content is now in a WiseGuys.Missions namespace
5 Years Ago
Created blank tutorial missions. Made other payphone mission types require completing the tutorial ones first.
5 Years Ago
Rebuilt asset IDs, which has updated some prefabs.
5 Years Ago
Totally refactored missions from ScriptableObjects to prefabs with tasks attached, and wrote a bunch of editors and property drawers to make the whole thing more usable.
5 Years Ago
Fix test player HP
5 Years Ago
Mission prerequisites
5 Years Ago
Merge the latest to my mission branch
5 Years Ago
Example prerequisite
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Changing the system
5 Years Ago
Available mission types system
5 Years Ago
Ad PCMissionUser
5 Years Ago
Adding an EditorConfig to the project with our basic Visual Studio settings. Feel free to edit as desired.
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Testing game mode edit only
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Remove old DEBUG_STACK_LEAK compilation define in project settings
5 Years Ago
Give cops and dealers the higher tier weapons + fix another pistol name bug
5 Years Ago
Stop bots from hitting themselves + simplify IsPartOfShooter now that we don't use motor colliders anymore
5 Years Ago
Fix coroutine error when bot players die during a server tick where they also shoot
5 Years Ago
Reduced drug dealer HP from 1500 to 1000.
5 Years Ago
Added limit to payphone number length
5 Years Ago
Fixes proxy player recoil/shake, which weren't being applied to eye direction. CharacterEys script is now also on proxy players. Unfortunately this fix is pretty much useless for now since characters currently don't animate up/down aim while shooting.
5 Years Ago
Extra script for dealer AI. Didn't end up using it.
5 Years Ago
Give drugs as an editor bonus item by default, and more cash