
2,597 Commits over 3,408 Days - 0.03cph!

7 Years Ago
update UI career modal windows , resetting the rect transform position to fix the unity bug in the init scripts
7 Years Ago
tweak Ui
7 Years Ago
more WIP UI rework : career
7 Years Ago
more wip UI rework
7 Years Ago
update WIP rework UI, squad editor/map edtor
7 Years Ago
update UI global panel
7 Years Ago
update UI option panel/icon font
7 Years Ago
more WIP UI update AmplifyShader
7 Years Ago
removing arrow from attack cursor
7 Years Ago
update UI
7 Years Ago
updade WIP UI
7 Years Ago
update menu ui cleanup button map prefab
7 Years Ago
update menu UI
7 Years Ago
update wip UI
7 Years Ago
some menu fix
7 Years Ago
some WIP fix and cleanup
7 Years Ago
WIP rework main menu (warning merge....)
7 Years Ago
adding _Maintext property to the graphmaker shader to fix the error spam on the graph outcome panel
7 Years Ago
hiding cash info while in the squad editor to see the unit count
7 Years Ago
update biter ZTL
7 Years Ago
update career UI : changed league/market tab
7 Years Ago
adding late What's new screenshot... tweaked what's new text color (shouldn't triggger the glow value) changed screenshot compression fixed global chat cuttoff text fixed /tweaked various UI stuff
7 Years Ago
tweaked biter animation controller transition setup attack trigger event
7 Years Ago
update coin FX/material/texures update biter unit textures disabled fog on unit shader (not sure when i activated that....)
7 Years Ago
adding coin ztl
7 Years Ago
adding coin model/setup paricle on the prefab
7 Years Ago
update biter ztl
7 Years Ago
tweak biter adding base animations / controller
7 Years Ago
adding pulse to the career button updated help prompt
7 Years Ago
update biter with rig
7 Years Ago
adding tiles ztl
7 Years Ago
more ztl
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
more ztl...
7 Years Ago
more ztl
7 Years Ago
more ztl
7 Years Ago
Adding ZTL source
7 Years Ago
new biter model/ mat/ textures / portrait tweak portrait shader adding substance material to generate psd from bake
7 Years Ago
adding charger trail
7 Years Ago
tweaked igniter anim add burning trap model/mat /texture fixed unit squad button death particle sorting
7 Years Ago
fix unit healthbar portrait animation rerender igniter portrait with proper idle
7 Years Ago
igniter :fix textures / material rig / animations / controller / WIP particle setup file cleaning
7 Years Ago
rebake workerbot model for igniter, merged texture/mesh, rerender proper portrait, updated prefab
7 Years Ago
missing texture
7 Years Ago
update mortar impact FX/arc projectile fixed flipper FX oritentation
7 Years Ago
adding particle dissolve shader adding particle textures WIP rework mortar impact FX WIP igniter tile top updated flipper FX update/optim burner flame BaseAttackViewAnimEvent, FX is now parented to world instead of unit to avoid moving FX when moving the unit right after attacking
7 Years Ago
add background color to player panel portrait set default portrait if null
7 Years Ago
update mod display
7 Years Ago
fixed nickname not always showing on unit panel
7 Years Ago
fixed wrong mod slot display in squad editor