
2,597 Commits over 3,408 Days - 0.03cph!

7 Years Ago
update to get latest
7 Years Ago
update dynamics decal ressources shader
7 Years Ago
update dynamic decals to latest version updated decal related stuff to make it works with the updated version updated slasher attack FX with decals
7 Years Ago
replacing biter(tanker)with placeholder model replacing charger model with the previous bitter model with anim adding turn effect on player platform (might need fading to look better)
7 Years Ago
update dynamic decals update slash fx
7 Years Ago
update slasher FX
7 Years Ago
adding missung stuff
7 Years Ago
adding WIP slasher attack FX
7 Years Ago
adding slasher anims/controller
7 Years Ago
replacing slasher , adding model/mat/texture
8 Years Ago
tweak turn banner timing/effect
8 Years Ago
more anim cleaning
8 Years Ago
update burner, optimizing skinning, adding move anim, cleaning old anim adding physic to healer
8 Years Ago
update shooter anim/controller
8 Years Ago
update wip shooter animation/ controller
8 Years Ago
updating mortar anim/ anim controller/prefab
8 Years Ago
adding missile FX/texture/mat etc update BaseAttackViewAnimEvents so that the particle is instanced as child of the root of the unit for the FX orientation update FX offset in unit adding WIP fx event to launcher update FX with destroy script
8 Years Ago
update launcher anim
8 Years Ago
adding launcher WIP animation/controller etc
8 Years Ago
missing textures
8 Years Ago
update launcher model, adding mat/texture update wip portrait
8 Years Ago
fixing booster portrait
8 Years Ago
getting last rev
8 Years Ago
tweak temple B floor texture/mat tweak highlight tile texture
8 Years Ago
adding placement smoke prefab
8 Years Ago
update to last rev
8 Years Ago
supra quick screenshot
8 Years Ago
removing left over particles from the main scene
8 Years Ago
update healer particles getting last rev
8 Years Ago
Adding missing stuff
8 Years Ago
adding healer impact fx some fx material cleanup
8 Years Ago
update unit orientation on attack adding healer attack fx stuff
8 Years Ago
adding placeholder unit role icons font
8 Years Ago
updating loadout panel for options
8 Years Ago
commit to update to last rev
8 Years Ago
adding easing to unit move/rotation renaming 'pitch' parameter to 'move' for clarity
8 Years Ago
update healer controller/animation WIP
8 Years Ago
Fix play AI button in menu update healer model/texture/anim/controller WIP update render icon stuff removing useless properties for the idle state in the unit definition
8 Years Ago
update healer model/texture fix unit panel display
8 Years Ago
finally got the unit portrait render properly working with Idle anim for both team updated unit gloss map and portrait
8 Years Ago
WIP healer model cleanup some unit skinning/ rig adjust metalic map on shooter, burner, slasher rerender icons
8 Years Ago
fixing UI intro anim for consecutive match, adding the battle UI fading during the outcome while I was at it
8 Years Ago
disabling loadout in main scene
8 Years Ago
update Squad editor, over UI camera stuff
8 Years Ago
still more WIP loadout UI
8 Years Ago
more WIP squad editor UI stuff
8 Years Ago
fixed scene with loadout UI stuff?
8 Years Ago
very WIP squad editor stuff
8 Years Ago
fixed intro anim not playing animation on player panel
8 Years Ago
adding UI extentions updating text mesh pro optimizing player panel/cleanup anim/ tweak