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8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE temp ship
8 Years Ago
▇ █▅▄▇█▍▆ ▌▅▊▌ ▆▉▌ ▅▅▇▋ ▇▊▉▇ ▅▅▌▅ ▄▄▉▊▅▍
8 Years Ago
▉ ▆▇▆▄▊▊▆ ▉▇▄█▇ ▋▄▌ ▊▅▌▊ █▄▇▆ ▋▋▆▋▊█ ▌▋▇▉▊▋ ▌▉▋ ▄▊▄ ▅▉▍▇█▊▆▇ █▌█▄▅█
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE save scene to fix error?
8 Years Ago
▊ ▉▍▍▋▊▆▆ ▉▇▍▋▌ ▌▊▌ ▄▄▄▋ ▉▄▊▄ ▉▌▅▊▌▌ ▋▌▉▋█▅█ ▍▄ ▉▋▆▋█ ▅▇▆▋▄ ▇▇█▆▊▋▊▌ ▍█▌ █▉▇▊ ▉▅▅▅ ███▄▍ ▉▄▆▆ ▆▌▆▊▇ ▊█▉ ▇▉▍▍ ▋▆▉▉ ▆▄▆▌▄▍ ▍▆▅▇▉▍ ▇█▋▊▉
8 Years Ago
▌ ▇▌▋▆▄▆ ▄▊█▄▄ ▍▊▋▊ ▉▅▉▌▅ ▄▆ ▍▉▊ ▇▊▍▅~ ▍▋▅ ▌▇▆█ ▄▍▅▌ ▉▍▍▄▍ ▊▇▍▍▆ /▍▋▌█▌▅▍▆
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE temp skybox
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fix camera fog and linear space color
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE project gamma to linear space for hdr effect !A image effect, bloom/fog to camera !A temp skybox !A particle shader FOR FUCK SAKE ocean shader sorting for particle sorting FOR FUCK SAKE trail wip
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE cannon ball prefab size
8 Years Ago
▅ ▄▍▊▊▆▅ ▆▉▌▉▊ !▍ ▍▆▇ ▇▌▆▇▍ ▋▋▍▅█▇
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE player revert cuz bad merge
8 Years Ago
▉ ▇▄▋ █▍▋█▊▅/▅▅▇▇█▉
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE main island
8 Years Ago
▇ █▍▅▉▍▉▉▄▌▍▌ ▊▊▍█▋▋
8 Years Ago
▉ ▇▍▅▉ ▍▅▆▄▋█ ▉▍▍▇▋▍
8 Years Ago
▅ ▊▊▇ ▄▌▊▋▅▅
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fov to 80
8 Years Ago
▍▊█ ▋▌▅█▊▅
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE asset scale change
8 Years Ago
▉ █▊▅▄▍▌ ▅▅▍▆▉▄▅▌▄/ ▋▊▇ ▊▉▌▅▍▇▋▇▆ ▋▋▉▌▊▍▍▄▅ ▍▇▉ ▆▅▌▄ ▇▍▌▌ ▄▊▊ ▌▄▍▅▋▆ ▊▌▇▊▉▇▇█▇
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE mortar enemy !A mortar texture/material/model
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE shaderforge
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab, setting up loop/prewarm on shield particle
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid level scene (cleanup) !A mortar placeholer /U mortat prefab
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE player prefab, fixing giggle bone reference in the behavior tree
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE doors with collider !A spawning anim to fix the cubemap render
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE player prefab hit adding shield FOR FUCK SAKE fix water particle, rebuilt tile/room prefab FOR FUCK SAKE particle file cleaning
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE playership (adding behavior tree for the cockpit)
8 Years Ago
▌ ▊▄▆▌▅ ▋▄ ▍▇▇▊▌▊ ▅▍ ▇▌▄ ▉▄▊▍▄▉▇
8 Years Ago
▌ ▄▅▋▆▆▍▊▋ ▉▋▋ ▅█▆▇▌▌ ▋▌▇ ▅▊▄▋ ▍▌▅▌ ▆▉█▇▉▍▅▇/ ▊▋▋ ▋▋▍▅▌ ▆▋▄▅▌█▇▉ ▋▋▊ █▄▍▇ ▇▋▋█ ▄▇█▊▉▄▍ ▆▅▄▅▊▆ █▆▉▅/▌▄▄▋
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE particles FOR FUCK SAKE factory rotorz tile/room !A particle for water/ projectile fade
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE water shader/mat !A bubble particle FOR FUCK SAKE rotorz tiles/room
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE water shader/mat/texture FOR FUCK SAKE fix some stuff in the rotorz tile/ rebuild tile/room
8 Years Ago
▆ ▍▆▆▉▍ ▋▇▊▅▌▉ !▌ ▉▉▍▄▌ ▆▌▉▋█▅/█▌▋/▄█▅▅█▆▋ ▍▋▆ ▉▌▍▋ ▊▋▋▍ ▌▊▄▋▌█/█▇▄▊ █▉▅▌▊▆▊/▌▉▄▇▆
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room/prefab (more random props test) FOR FUCK SAKE factory material !A random prefab
8 Years Ago
▉ █▍██▌▇▉ ▉▉█▋
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE rotorz factory prefab FOR FUCK SAKE factory room
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE projectile tweak (matched collision to visual mode) FOR FUCK SAKE file cleaning
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE slowshield effect FOR FUCK SAKEfactory corner collision FOR FUCK SAKE rebuild factor rotorz prefab (it fixed the no enemies spawning for some reason) !A effect shader/material
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE particle fx / file cleaning FOR FUCK SAKE playerprefab FOR FUCK SAKE item material FOR FUCK SAKE level lighting
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fix wrong impact FX on fast plasma
8 Years Ago
▋ ▄▌▌▆▅▌▅▄▌▅ ▌▆▋▆▍▅/▄▅▍▉ ▅▄ ▇▅▆ ▇▆█▌ ▍▅▄▇ ▅▉▅▍▌▋ ▋▍▆▆▇▆▅▌█▌ █▄ / ▌▍▌▉ ▄█▋▍▋▊▊
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE crate texture/mat
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab, change idle state
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE playerprefab booster
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room FOR FUCK SAKE playship prefab, tweak booster FX