2,597 Commits over 3,408 Days - 0.03cph!
FOR FUCK SAKE tile shader, adding arrow system, texture
FOR FUCK SAKE wip tile texture/shader
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak background
FOR FUCK SAKE texture/shader
FOR FUCK SAKE cleaning useless texture
FOR FUCK SAKE tile highlight shader and texture to work as a flipbook for more state
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak unit texture/color
FOR FUCK SAKE mortar/turret texture/prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE mortar animation controller and offset
FOR FUCK SAKE cursors, removing unused files
FOR FUCK SAKE Ui, victory screen
FOR FUCK SAKEI Adding cursor
FOR FUCK SAKE healthbar to work with any number
FOR FUCK SAKE unit panel with bigger description space
FOR FUCK SAKE camera twaek
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak unit glow color
FOR FUCK SAKE unit color , tile shadow and glow color
FOR FUCK SAKE adjust unit glow color
FOR FUCK SAKE UI color tweak
FOR FUCK SAKE move UI to separated camera UI for screen effect
FOR FUCK SAKE ui miniframe alignment
FOR FUCK SAKE ui tweak element position, dimed tile glow and some minor changes, change target sorting in miniframe and increased font size
FOR FUCK SAKE convert font number to monospace for timers
FOR FUCK SAKE Adding CP to player UI
!A texture for UI
FOR FUCK SAKE unit panel
!A UI textures
FOR FUCK SAKE ui fixed continue button at the end of the game
FOR FUCK SAKE unit prefab and glow dim on unit, color fix
FOR FUCK SAKE fix scene ui display
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