19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
PreviouslyCreatedGame on home
Fix hotloading using older panel in PanelEvents
QuickPlay works
Stylesheets adhere to css specificity rules
Show previously created games on home screen
Refactored GameInfo out, using package instead
Fix stylesheets with more than 10 @imports triggering infinite loop detection
Menu home screen work
Added [UseTemplate] attribute
Switch stuff to use [UseTemplate] instead of SetTemplate( .. )
Splitting GameLists
Add a bunch of UI sounds
Make playing sounds work in the menu
Set Prediction.FirstTime to true on themenu
Add Panel.PlaySound
Add custom css properties 'sound-in' and 'sound-out' (play a sound when rule matches or stops matching)
Navigator back/forward sounds
Button hover/press sounds
Group play buttons
Don't navigate to the current URL
Add local addons as packages
Background Stuff
Stack based back/forward
Navigator Variables
GameScreen, GameCreate uses navigator
Don't die if deleting panels creates errors
Add Panel.OnHotloaded
Call Panel.InitializeEvents on hotload, remove previously added events
Update current link when switching tabs
Fixed MouseBack, MouseForward UI events not doing shit
Navigator supports history back/forward
Template loading more error resistant
Settings page shell
PanelEvent system revamp
Converting menu to use template
Support multiple [Library] attributes
Add Library.GetAttributes<T> ( to get all attributes of type )
Add LibraryAttribute.Create<T>()
PanelEvent changes
Navigator playing
UI Test nagivationable
Added Panel.PreTemplateApplied, Panel.PostTemplateApplied
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update skeletoninstance.def
Fixed nullable GetAttachment change
Fixed Stylesheet variables replacing the wrong variables
Can set a variable to a variable
GetAttachment returns nullable
Fix @imported styles not triggering a hotload
Fix stylesheets loading multiple times instead of using cache
Clear cached stylesheets between sessions
Scss support for !default variables
Scss selectors support the > rule
Fixed templates not being able to create <img> panels
Rename Panel.MousePos to Panel.MousePosition
Fix TextEntry going crazy when it has no text set
Base textentry style sets padding correctly
Added Panel.LocalMatrix, Panel.GlobalMatrix
Added Matrix.Inverted
Added Matrix.Transform
Added TransformedInteract UITests
Remove some shit from our base fgds
Logging can take an object
Added [Hammer.EditorSprite( ... )]
Fixed some maps not caching right
Make VPK unmounting code more understanding
Removed unused Replicated property from ConsoleVariableAttribute
Scss support for @import
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Variable parsing
Stylesheets can use variables
Throw if stylesheet tries to use variable but no variables
Stylesheets can inherit variables from previously loaded stylesheets
Renamed b_hit to hit
Lerp the duck
Fixed missing else in duck code
Remove ModelEntity.ViewOffset
Decal defaults
Fix errors when setting NetworkComponent networked values in constructor
Making some stuff in Duck virtual even though deriving stuff from these classes is doomed
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Create Sandbox-Engine-Game.sln
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Changed Entity.Output to a struct, can register callbacks from code
DamageInfo passes the BoneIndex
Added AnimEntity.ProceduralHitReaction( DamageInfo ) extension method
Default Player class calls ProceduralHitReaction in TakeDamage
Update standard animator controller with new params for @MaxLebled
Add [Hammer.Skip]
Add [Hammer.EditorModel( ... )]
Added [Hammer.Solid]
Added Input.GetKeyWithBinding
Input Changes (sbox-issues/discussions/337)
Test for all flags
Added :not( .stuff ) support (mostly untested)
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix Margin/Padding tests
Fix Filesystem Watcher tests
Addon provision tests
Tests cleanup
Make string.ToBool more resiliant
Fix Reload after beeing holstered and re-deployed
This should fix an issue the hidden gamemode also had
Original Author: sbox-hidden/pull/2
Merge pull request #1 from JustPlayerDE/patch-1
Clear IsReloading on deploy
Fixed Inventory Slots 1 and 6 not being selectable via slot keys
Fixed Inventory Slots 1 and 6 not being selectable via slot keys
Merge pull request #3 from gvarados1/patch-1
Fixed Inventory Slots 1 and 6 not being selectable via slot keys
Add FileSystem.Data, FileSystem.OrganizationData
Fix no property spam
Mount /core/
Don't try to download los or vmap files from servers
Save the auto generated fgd into config
Added Hammer.Model (makes it so the model, skin and bodygroups can be set and changed in Hammer)
Add Hammer.Model to Prop