19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
FgdWriter supports material
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed Hammer properties not getting through properly
Switch [Hammer.Property] to just use [Property]
Auto register properties as a StringToken
Build Output functions for Entity IO
Added ability to turn off FGD generation for a property
For [Property] and [Input] we can read the description from the source code comment instead of having a "Help" option on the attributes - this means the comment can benefit intellisense and the fgd/editor at the same time.
Update base.fgd
Whitelist System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute
This will (probably) fix the fgd errors
[HammerProp] => [Hammer.Property]
Navmesh cleanup
Add Type.HasBaseType( string )
[Prop] has a Title value
Add [Hammer.AutoApplyMaterial]
FgdWriter boilerplate
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed crash due to GlowList containing stale glows
Fixed rare animgraph crash, possibly due to broken animgraph or missing animations
Fixed crash in C_BaseEntity::PostNetworkDataReceived when entity has no managed pointer
Set up sentry before reporting minidumps
Sentry config
Fix couldn't find ./addon error
Addon downloading fixes
Fixed UI selection box scale
Trace only hit world
Citizen anim fixes
Obstacle avoidance (hacky test)
Fixed Vector3.AddClamped not working
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Create WorldEntity
Added Trace.WithTag, Trace.WithAllTags, Trace.WithAnyTags, Trace.WithoutTags
ConVar.Replicated Update
Use entity tags
ReplicatedVar is now ConVar.Replicated
Simple StringPool network table
Speed up Panel.HasClass
First iteration of entity tags https://files.facepunch.com/garry/5bb225a0-2903-4273-a642-868884dbd6ce.png
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Different tool modes, frustum selection, selection boxes
When the mouse isn't visible, CursorAim should be straight down the camera
Tag all buttons with the button class
Don't block properties named "on"
ConvarToggleButton has on, off and convar properties
Fix classes with generic arguments breaking codegen
Fix sometimes empty solution name from a VS instance causing crash
Delete COMIntegration.exe
Stop engine writing steam_appid.txt
Wander mode
Frustum select tests
Add Entity.WorldSpaceBounds
Add Frustum.IsInside
IsInside bbox tests take a partial bool
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added Plane.Distance
Added Plane.GetIntersection
Fix RealTimeSince equality warnings
Add BBox.AddPoint
Added Physics.GetEntitiesInBox
Add Frustum class
Plane cleanup
Swap frustum plane order to match engine
Add Plane.GetDistance( Vector3 point )
Add plane.SnapToPlane( Vector3 point )
Add Plane.IsInFront( Vector3 point ) and plane.IsInFront( BBox box )
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added NavMesh.GetPointWithinRadius
Profiling, DebugDraw utility
More stable movement
Add Vector3.AddClamped
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed FileTransfer read stream could be left open, causing havoc
NavMesh - skip points that are really close to together
Fixed clients never downloading the first file (usually meaning broken missing hud files)
Fix lab_toolmode default not working
UserVar > ConVar.ClientData
[UserVar] is now [ConVar.ClientData]
[ConVar.ClientData] initial default value sent to server, value survives across hotloads
Non static [ConVar.ClientData] must be a member of an entity
The "Joining failed" message now passes the exception
Print in console when codegen errors out
Warning fixes
[ConVar.ClientData] convars can be entity members
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Removing unused tools so people don't try to use them
Whitelist System.Numerics
Whitelist System.Globalization*
Fixed overflow: hidden blocking mouse wheel scrolling of parent panels
Fix Grid Layout cutting off bottom row when multicolumn
Map list tweaks
voice_loopback false by default
Added TryMoveWithStep to MoveHelper
Navmesh optimizer
ModelEntity, AnimEntity extra constructors
NavMesh.BuildPath that adds to list of points
Clothing model fixes
Fix label text sometimes wrapping when it shouldn't
Add Capsule.FromHeightAndRadius
Add BBox.FromHeightAndRadius
Trace.Size can be a bbox
Citizen skin 3 tweaks
Support for :empty, :first-child, :last-child, :only-child
button sets the tag has-label if it has a text label
Button icon property from templates works
Added IconPanel defaults to base.scss
Panel has support for value property
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Don't force pointer-events: none on hud root panels
add "cursor: crosshair" support
pointer-events: auto behaves as advertised
Merge branch 'master' of sbox