19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Update CommandFlags ( was using source1 flags )
Generator: strip attributes from overloaded [ClientCmd] methods
string.QuoteSafe handle null
Changed how console system works so we have to do less work. Stuff might be broke.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Check authority on setting pos/rot etc
Check permissions for suicide, noclip, devcam
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Throw weapon on drop
Delete ragdoll after 20 seconds
Ragdoll collision groups
Crossbow bolt use DeleteAsync
Fixed GameTask not running
Add GetInteracts* for collision property
Removing unused code
Bind ModelEnt.SetInteracts*
Give player CollisionLayer.Player
Explicitly define player movement layers
Layer caps
Added Entity.DeleteAsync( float seconds )
Weapon collision group so player doesn't stomp it through the world
Fix jittering on scroll
Merge pull request #1 from Down-s/patch-1
Fix jittering on scroll
rust content rebuild
Remove unused
Compiling core
Missed these
Don't do a hit indicator if you hurt yourself
Arrow Model
Damage Indicator
Hit indicator edge glow
Metal footsteps
Setting some material hammer scales
Add crossbow r_hold bone
Light prefabs
Arrow model
UI textures (png etc) can be hotloaded
background-position and background-size work as expected
UI transform tests
Default transform-origin to center
Tweak transform test
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Don't spam debug when a friend's status changes
ImageLoader handle formatting a bit better
Hit sound
Panel extension
Use GameTask.Delay instead of Task.Delay
Hit indicator
Shotgun tweaks
sv_cheats 0
Always allow the listen server host to cheat
Removing some unused cheat code
Added Entity.Task
No need for this Join Garry's Listen Server button now
GameTask cleanup
Fixed friend list rich state not changing
Close the game screen when joining a game
Add Join button on joinable friends games
Fix some annoying shit
Getting rid of SoundEnt stuff that we're not gonna use
Fix server not reinitializing PlayerScore on level change
Menu Context Time.Now uses RealTime.Now so we don't have to think so much
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Play 2D sounds via .FromScreen
2D sounds
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Weapon Selection UI handles weapon drops proper
Ammo count annoyances
Added number.UnsignedMod( number ) extension
volume convar works
Added Panel.ChildrenOfType<T>
Added UserInput.ActiveChild, UserCmd.ActiveChild
Added ClientInput.SuppressButton, ClearButton, MouseWheel
Panel can subscribe to IFrameUpdate, IPhysicsUpdate (gonna have to figure out a better way for this dumb shit)
Added IClientInput
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed PostLevelLoaded being called in the wrong place, and being called multiple times
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Scale Yoga values so we aren't snapping to pixels
Player lazy aim test
Messy Crosshair tests
Don't generate rpc __proxy method if we're an override, because the baseclass will have generated it
Fix translatey parsing
Delete crosshair panel immediately when destroying hud elements
CrosshairCanvas.SetCrosshair public
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
I'm commenting all these animgraph time > 0.0f asserts out, I reckon they don't account for predicted shit
Restore net_usesocketsforloopback
Fixed ActiveChild not being predicted 😟
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Hide viewmodel if there's no view entity - viewmodel doesn't need to be a child of player/weapon
Clientside Authoritive entities use Player Predicted Time (fixes viewmodel deploy animation ping delay)
Bind StudioFrameAdvanceManual
Don't try to make clientside entities predictable
ShouldPredictAnimGraph always true
Player doesn't need to fall AnimFrame
Set ViewModel.Owner instead of .Parent - because it doesn't fuck with its position
Viewmodel anim tweaks
EnableClientsideAnimation doesn't seem to be doing anything useful
Fix animgraph prediction errors
Fix rust shotgun physics size
Don't set viewmodel parent
This EnableClientsideAnimation doesn't seem to be doing anything useful
Restore managed predicted data back to last prediction value at the end of PostNetworkDataReceived
Add [Predicted] (Variable gets saved and restored with other predicted variables, but isn't actually networked)
Fixed ActiveChild prediction errors
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Codegen - dump a txt file on exception
Codegen: don't ReplaceSyntaxTree etc if only doing Source Generators
SourceGen: OwnerRpc should test this as well as Owner
CodeGen: Hook up rpc_read
Hoo up rpc_read_static
Added INetIdentifiable
NetRead/Write deal with strings nice
Fixed viewmodel dissapearing
Viewmodel bob/sway
Update Rpc names
Fixed global RPC codegen namespace
Fixed static single Client RPC not being static
Spawnlist scrollable
GameTask test
Sandbox.Generator - threaded and optimized, code gen went from 3.9 seconds worse to 0.02 seconds worse 😎
Cleaned up network attributes
Rpc's use NetRead and NetWrite
CodeGen tests
Made scoreboard header accessible
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Weapon Titles
PickupFeed HUD
A few more Rust materials
Rust Export: Fix AO export
rust vehicles
Rust Export - Fix error with multiple colliders
rust rocks
Rust Export supports detail layer
Rust Export cache GetTextureChannelSingleColor
Rust Export export MeshCollider
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
These errors are acceptable, happen after hotload
FirstPersonCamera stores its last worked out pos instead of counting on incoming value
Some rust/nature converts
Rust Exporter handles foliage better
Rust Exporter: Straight copy the texture if you can
Rust Exporter: textures all in one folder, don't copy over
Rust Exporter: Handle multiple materials
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
rust overgrowth
Touching these
Implement ShiftIntermediateDataForward
Prediction fixes
Speed up Assets.LoadAll a little bit
Ignore missing entity spawnicon icons
IEquatable for TimeSince, TimeUntil
Compare C# predicted data, warning on different (this'll need something done to it in the future, but it works for now)