19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
If entity has physics, take the Velocity from that
Create FuncButtonRotating.cs
FuncButton supports locked
Transform.Add( vector, worldspace )
Add hotload kick-in delay
Add KeyframeEntity
FuncButton moves, resets, calls OnUseLocked, OnIn, OnOut
Add a bit of step up height to player physics
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed entity velocity not being networked
Added player GroundTransform (testing, temporary)
Prediction skip CheckMovingGround
Apply BaseVelocity in WalkController
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added Trace.Sweep( PhysicsBody, Transform from, Transform to )
DebugOverlay.Box( PhysicsBody )
Bind GameLoop:PhysicsThink
Add Task.NextPhysicsFrame()
Move doors manually instead of using engine move stuff
ModelEntity.MoveTo( angles )
FuncDoorRotating I hate all this fucking code
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix door direction
Implement door speed
Implement door TimeBeforeReset
Properly fixed wrong player running console commands
Fixed potential crash when joining a server and getting errors
Fix autocomplete box sticking around on console input submit
Release cached resources on load
Fixed running console commands from the wrong player
Fixed bow/arrow material
testmap 2 tweaks
Bind LocalVelocity
Entity MoveDone, MoveBlocked callbacks
Added ModelEntity.MoveTo
Implement string.ToType for Vector3 and Angles
Create FuncDoor.cs
Undone debug messages
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix dev hotspot normal map
Make contents of this addon available to client download
Fixed getting 2 pistol ammo every time you walked into a trigger :S
Merge branch 'master' of dm98
Disable stronghandle assert
Pass EntityIOTargetType_t in InternalEntityConnection
Added Entity.EntityName
Don't call Shutdown on library on assembly unload, because it'll be hotloaded properly
Use [Input] for hammer method inputs
Create FuncButton.cs
Create IUse.cs
FuncButton implement IUse
Create AmbientGeneric.cs
Added player +use'ing
Store fireable entity outputs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
ClientInput.CursorAim sensible default
Don't send .vpk files in NetworkAssets
Fixed properties not using attribute name
Making entity property names case insensitive
Added Entity.InternalEntityConnection, fill from map key values
Added Button.Voice
Added [HammerInput]
Added Mouse global static class, fixed cursor disappearing when toggling between main menu
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix header content placement
This fixes the wrong header content placement introducted by #1 , jittering on scroll is still fixed
Before: https://m0uka.dev/u/RYBaTE.png
After: https://m0uka.dev/u/bxZ8Ev.png
Merge pull request #2 from m0uka/patch-1
Fix header content placement
Fixed pointer-events not creating panel request for mouse input if it didn't have children
Add Panel.MouseScreenPos
Add Panel.MouseDelta
Input handles multiple mouse buttons
ButtonEvent can take a ButtonCode
Added ClientInput.SetButton
Added Vector2.ScreenSize
Added cursor aim to usercmd
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Support hotloading assets over the network
Isolating client filesystem, addons can define glob to download files, files saved by crc
Add color tests to border tests
Allow sending data in ServerInfo
Network file refactor
Client mount addons that the server tells them to
Skin changes didn't stick
This should precache them properly
Tweaked skin to stop it being shiny in the dark
Compile testmap
Prevent lockup during buildcubemaps
Fix damage indicator stopping spinning
Play sounds on the weapons on shoot so they're not culled by pvs
Wall size fix
Write network data after hotload
Prediction check dictionary before blindly trying to restore from
Add collision to this wall
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Don't select empty weapons, switch away from empty weapons
Weapon icons
Strip out all the unused native precache stuff
Implement precache tables in c# (this might not actually precache yet)
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix ui scale not changing unless the screen changed size
TextEntry placeholder
Allow cookies to be used in menu, allow set/get json data, save in config
Allow TextEntry to have a history, can be saved in cookies
Added TextEntry.HistoryMaxItems
Console input has persistent history
Ignore cookies
Console autocomplete
Autocomplete does convar partials too (ie map ...)
Root Panels can define their own scaling strategy
Developer UI scaling is 1:1
Adding a clear to the start of the frame render
Console style clean up
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
UITests - adding position test, which shows an issue
Started work on autocomplete for textentry
Add position test to menu
Fixed transition bottom using wrong height %
Adding InternalLabel, which Label proxies. This lets us have children on the Label panel.
package updates
Text-Shadow cascades
Fixed label layout
Panel.GetChild( index )
Panel.UserData (object)
Add Menu panel
Autocomplete working test
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update CommandFlags ( was using source1 flags )
Generator: strip attributes from overloaded [ClientCmd] methods
string.QuoteSafe handle null
Changed how console system works so we have to do less work. Stuff might be broke.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox