19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Move CollisionRules to engine
Add ServerConfig and hot reload RuntimeGame's Config file
Context menu to delete tag
Popup widgets don't have shadows and have transparent backgrounds
Can add new tags
Fixed AddStretchCell defaulting to -1
Added Paint.Rotate overload that takes a center point
Changed Layout.Spacing to float - it's not float but this avoids casting all the time
Started Collision Matrix
Add Layout.InnerRect, Layout.InnerRect
Add Button.Primary
AddonConfig.GetPackageType() is PackageType
Make GetHashCode readonly on a bunch of structs
Add AddConfig.TryGetMeta, SetMeta
Restore font after Tools.Paint.DrawIcon
Add Widget.MinimumWidth, MinimumHeight, MaximumWidth, MaximumHeight
Create NavigationView.cs
OrganisationProperty opens on press instead of click
Add ProjectSettings
Add CollisionPage
Layout.Clear can optionally delete the widgets too
Start implementing rule system
Strip out as much collisiongroup stuff as I can stand right now
Enable BaseWeapon shooting players
Fixed terrible mistakes
Obsolete CollisionGroup & CollisionLayer
Rewrite CRnCollisionFilter, strip out CIntersectionController
Explicitly forbid triggers from colliding with the world
Traces don't hit client only entities by default, added IncludeClientside to opt in
By default traces only hit entities and world that also exist on the server. This is the most common scenario as if you hit client only entities during prediction you will get prediction errors. You might however want to opt into including client entities in specific traces.
Trimming redundant tracefilters, EFL_USE_PARTITION_WHEN_NOT_SOLID, LocatableEntity system, RNQUERY_OBJECTS_NON_COLLIDEABLE
Delete unused unit test
Trim unused code
Add UseHitboxes to RnQueryShapeAttr_t - ask for them explicitly, don't use CONTENTS_HITBOX mask
Remove CollisionGroupOverride from prop_physics
Add m_SeenTags to intersectiondictionary
Refactor m_Tags to m_PhysicsTagStrings, so it's more searchable
Remove debug
Physics Shape partial tag Access
Move Tags to top of property window since it's pretty important
Collapse the help section of the object property window by default
Remove Hammer Mesh PhysicsGroup, PhysicsInteractsAs, PhysicsInteractsWith, PhysicsInteractsExclude - replace with Tags
Support tag queries in RnCollisionAttr_t
If a shape doesn't have tags then add solid for now
Pass trace tag filters straight to rubikon, delete SandboxTraceFilter, Trace.ResolveEntities
Make player movement tags consistent
Split mapbuilder.tags
Material compiles
Temporary ladder rule
check your code you dumb cunt
Update mapbuilder.passbullets, blocksound
Update toolsblock_los
delete mapbuilder.infectedladder
Fire exit - lods, self illum and terry skin
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix tool camera ALT + right click being incredibly sensitive
Hammer default layout remove auto vis, selection sets, undo history, map problems
Hammer: Reset camera speed mul with middle mouse button
Support custom picked maps for light rigs so you're not always stuck with built in ones https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0311b1/sbox-dev_QJtb1fY8HV.png
ModelDoc: Fix bone merged models not clamping to their max lod level when forcing lod level
Remove CBaseTrigger
Remove heatmapviz, smoke_fog_overlay, warp_overlay
Remove base_curve_over_time, point_entity_fader, point_render_attr_curve
Remove physics_npc_solver
Remove textstatsmgr
Remove last remaining references to vscript hanging around
Another cleaning pass on BasePlayer
Hammer: tidy up the outliner widget to make use of space better
Hammer: Get rid of all the text in the top toolbars, huge waste of space that also limited usage as vertical toolbars
Citizen: fixed LOD3 eyes + more animgraph comments
Citizen/animgraph: hooked up swimming idle anim
Animgraph: Allow bone merged models to be enabled/disabled
Fix incorrect morph position delta scaling
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Merge branch 'master' into collisions
Remove unused
Clean up CMaterialCollisionGroupParams, use tags
Pass collision tags to physics builder
ShapePage show tags
Update playerclip material
Compile fix
switch triggers over to be tagged
Tell entity its collision rules changed when tags added/removed
Tag water with water
Mock up collision rules
ThirdPersonCamera trace for solids
Remove unused
Get rid of CCollisionAttributeWriter and VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t clusterfuck
Obsolete Trace.HitLayer (should be using .WithTag instead)
Strip unused code
Stripping more unused
Build out CitizenAnimationHelper
A few more parameters on CitizenAnimationHelper
Don't use StandardPlayerAnimator
More animHelper stuff for max
Trim unused gameui stuff
Render HUD, UI, VROverlay, DebugOverlay on main thread
Handle DrawText, MeasureText with empty text
ClassProperty, StructProperty - update title properly
GameResource promises
Clear the event loop on shutdown
Adding some ambient stings
Soundscape supports stings
Panel system optimization
Fixed possible exceptions in FontManager
Add TypeForwardedTo for EventAttribute
Soundscape System cleanup
Strip out c++ soundscape
Cleaning Up
Clean up SoundscapeRadiusEntity
Move Event attribute to System
Add DebugOverlay dropdown
Add [DebugOverlay]
Rename DrawMaterialIcon to DrawIcon
Soundscape debug overlay
Move FontManager, TextManager to Sandbox.Engine.dll
Share TextFlag
Add DrawText, MeasureText to Draw2d - matches Widget Painter
NativeEngine.ICVar -> g_pCVar
Fix Sentry SDK obsolete WithScope
Add debugoverlay callback
Fix startup error if GameResource defined in tools
Class editor
Inspector cleanups
Add SoundHandle.SetSoundFile
Here's a bunch of ambient loops
Create core.ambient - template for soundscape sounds
Fix Resource.Get exception when null
Add alternate constructor for SphereAtrribute
Stop sound previews from playing when exiting an AssetPicker
Trigger asset.reload event on asset changed
AssetPicker doesn't use the bind system
Soundscape files
Fix startup error if GameResource defined in tools
Class editor
Inspector cleanups
Add SoundHandle.SetSoundFile
Rework asset inspector to suck less
Clean up ranged float alignment
GameResources edited in memory in inspector are updated in game live, instead of requiring a save
Remove green arrow from surface selector
sound definition preview shows units instead of meters - fixes sbox-issues/issues/1958
Fix losing fullscreen when hotloading sbox-issues/issues/1924
the NetworkAssetList is more of a whitelist now, accepting compiled files and some specific UI related files
Fix reloading resources not reloading server version
Handle cloudflare being down a bit more gracefully