19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Abandon frameless window ambitions, use a normal window but force dark mode on it
Fix Widget.ConstrainToScreen()
Assetbrowser improvements
Widget debug overlay can be enabled with alt and pause/break
Fixed historylist trimming too many items when navigating from a previous position
Keep asset type filter control in sync with history
BaseItemWidget - only call ItemActivated if double clicking with the LEFT mouse button
Right clicking an item selects it without events
Move hacky line edit syntax highlighting to its own class
Add Widget.ContentMargins
TagEdit becomes TagPicker
Added ability to get the cursor & selection info on LineEdit
Horrible syntax highlighting code, will fix
Show asset counts on folders in asset browser list
Hide folders starting with .
Add TextEdit.Html
Folder context menu
Can set Widget.Layout directly, added Layout.Row(), Layout.Grid() etc
Add AssetType.All
Hack so Widget.IsPressed doesn't get stuck
Clean up GridLayout usage
Can Draw Pixmap with alpha
Asset type filter improvements
Show folders in assetlist if we're in folder mode
Rename ItemListWidget to ListView
Fix WidgetGallery names
Start cleanup
New TreeView - adds smooth scrolling, entity and panel list improvements
InteropGen clean up child include files before generation, to avoid local left over files making you feel like it all still compiles fine
Fix local left over file making me feel like it all still compiles fine
Don't jump to SelectionOverride() item unless it changed
Don't show client only entities in Pawns section
Treeview keyboard navigation, scrollTo
Scroll to item on dynamic selection
Fade closed sections
Fix hovered item being invalid when rebuilt while hovering
Fix not clearing map/game entity categories if none
Split entity list into world and game
Delete old DataNode
Fixed Paint.MeasureText returning empty if Pen was clear
Margin cleanup
Fix warnings
EntityList improvements
TreeNode supports tooltips
Tweak GameSelectorDialog
Fix up Hammer/EntityTool
PanelList supports hovering
Add tooltip padding
Hover state for BaseItemWidget items
Fix Rect blowing up the world when json serialized
AssetBrowser uses new treeview
Allow BaseItemWidgets to take their selection dynamically from another source
Treeview, expand path to object logic
Changed Utility.Inspect to Utility.InspectObject
Panel List uses new TreeView
Delete old tree, datamodel stuff
Split some of ItemListWidget into BaseItemWidget
Create TreeView.cs
Do Plat_ExitProcess so we don't hang, and will catch shutdown errors
Add gpu info to crash logs
Most of the move types were unused. We want all the movement logic in c#, we don't really want c++ doing special things. So there are basically two move types - KeyFramed and Dynamic. We shouldn't need to explicitly define these. If the entity has a physics object and it's dynamic, then it's 2. If not then it's 1.
When sucking the transforms from physics objects to entities, also suck the velocity
Fixed not compiling in debug mode
Re-enable PhysicsThinks because I don't have the bandwidth to figure out whether it's needed
Remove a ton of unused entity flags
Unused portal code
Remove groundlink
Remove basemodel fadeout thinks
PhysicsEnabled works on client
Clean up physics debug draw, color static, keyframe, dynamic in different colours
delete IPhysicsPlayerController
Delete IPhysicsShadowController, simplify
delete positionwatcher from vpc
Entity.Position no longer sets body positions
There was a hack here.. when players respawned we obviously set their positions to the new spawnpoint. But then their keyframed physics hull would rush to that position (via ForceUpdateIfKeyframed).. which hit anything in its path. Snapping the position was the wrong move here imo, I will explore alternatives.
delete positionwatcher.h
Got phys_debug_draw working again
Remove unused
delete vphysicsupdateai_t
Completely remove movetype
Fix physics timescale default
Fix physics timescale default
remove sv_gravity and all other movevars
Remove a bunch of movetypes
delete src\game\shared\movevars_shared.cpp/h
Get rid of phys_timescale
Get rid of sv_skyname
Initial Physics Settings class
Obsolete Global.PhysicsSubSteps, Global.PhysicsTimeScale
Simplify physics substep math, store substeps and timescale on world
Physics settings page
Game page
Move compiler stuff into project settings, add a couple more options
Merge branch 'project_settings'
Game page
Move compiler stuff into project settings, add a couple more options
Physics settings page
Simplify physics substep math, store substeps and timescale on world
Get rid of phys_timescale
Get rid of sv_skyname
Initial Physics Settings class
Obsolete Global.PhysicsSubSteps, Global.PhysicsTimeScale
remove sv_gravity and all other movevars
Remove a bunch of movetypes
delete src\game\shared\movevars_shared.cpp/h