19,644 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Reduce grenade timer
dm_healthcharger can be used for armour chargers too
Tracer, Grenade particles
Don't award kills for killing yourself
Right click particle create option
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Get rid of WaitingForPlayers stage
Fix FGD error
Post process based on health amount
Fix wrong tripmine spawning
Show take damage indicator if hurt self
Tweak damage indicator
Fix exception when generating thumbnails
Added RealTime.GlobalNow - like Now but should be in sync globally (and is a double)
RealTimeSince uses GlobalNow - so should stay in sync between server and clients
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Allow base scoreboards to decide whether they should be open or not
Fixed wheeling through inventory backwards
Balancing changes
Fix phantom tripmine lasers
Don't give all weapons, add giveall command
Post process based on game state, damage taken
Game state changes
Fixed outro animations not always playing
Don't shake the hud if dead
Remove unused code
Longer delay for tripmine arm
Max ammo, coffins
Fix nametags hanging around after death
Balance tweaks
Get rid of announcer sounds
Clean up scoreboard sorting
Crowbar improvements
Don't use pistol for grenade/tripmine, add hold types
Store current server steamid in richpresence so friends can join
Create socket for client steamid too, when listen server
Don't throw error when joining game via lobby
Don't SpewAllClients when rejecting because server is full
Fix warnings in WaterSceneObject
Give warning if calling SetModel/Model in entity constructor
Fix errors due to setting model in constructor
Early-out in OnOverrideAnimGraphChanged
FieldOfView is no longer in base viewmodel
Update fgd
Remove BaseViewModel.FieldOfView (is controlled by CameraSetup)
Fix head poking through the wall
Fix inventory double icons after death
Fix inventory order with mouse wheel being fucked
Increase SMG damage
Reverse inventory mouse wheel direction
Hard code FOV
Disave SMG grenade until we can do it properly
Tripmine material
Damage indicator fix
Reload immediately when throwing a grenade
Fix zooming not predicted, viewmodel not affected
Fix grenade reload time
Trip mine trigger
Tripmine damage
Fixed listen servers not joinable
Hand Grenade and Tripmine
Fix exception when generating thumb
Use post processing
Crowbar, Python
Lock crosshair to center of screen
Health/Armour cleanup
Bounce hud when walking
Make post process VignetteSettings so you can read and they have defaults
@ogniK5377 can you do this for all the others?
BaseWeapon: don't return trace if no hit
Update .addon
Fix UI scaling causing unevenness
Add Render.Draw2D.BlendMode
Run deferred UI deletes before layout, so they don't appear there
Warning Fix
Warn if ui template not found
Update transforms test
Allow maps to specify which games they support
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